You’ll never believe this.

My friend Angela told me she had something for me. Her husband found it while he was mowing the lawn…

My missing margarita earring!!! I mean really, what are the odds?! (Of course I’d already bought two replacement pair, but still.)

She thought it was so lucky that she bought me a scratch off, too…but unfortunately that wasn’t a winner.

I lost a margarita!!!

Tonight I called on the power of posting on Facebook to help me find my lost margarita earring. I had it at 8pm before I went to visit a neighbor for a driveway drink… (I checked my photos and I had happened to take a pic before I knew I was headed over.) I’ll look in the street tomorrow but I don’t have high hopes.

I was pointing out my ombre lip color for a post in the makeup workshop I was participating in.

After three hours of visiting and walking the neighborhood with her…

I joke about margaritas but they really are my thing. Check out my workshop bio.

My first batch of easy margaritas!

So with my love of margaritas, can you believe I’ve never really made any? (Well, I have made a special “beergarita” for parties, but that really isn’t a margarita as most people would think of one.) I even bought the Margaritaville drink machine to make them but never really did anything except use it with premade margaritas.

Enter our new friends Lindsay and Mike, who regularly (and quickly!) make frozen margaritas. Of course I had to ask how they do it… And turns out it’s super simple.

The funny thing is they make completely different ones. He gives her crap about using limeade vs real limes and she gives him crap about taking longer to make his. Both are good but I’m usually lazy so I’ll do the limeade ones!

I did my very first batch—actually in my Vitamix—today. And they were super easy and super delicious.

Trying the Vitamix instead of the Margaritaville blender. It works. But first world problem? We need a bigger freezer in the bar to store the full blender!

I actually got out the margarita machine for the kids to make lemonade slushies! They came and sat at the bar and said “This is like being on the cruise—you just hand them your glass and they refill it!”

Life fatigue struck today.

Friends, do you ever have one of those days where you just. can’t. get. moving?! Or don’t want to? I’m feeling very overwhelmed today…. House, business, kids, animals, finances, Covid, eLearning…in short—life. Nothing specific or worrisome is going on…just…overall blurgh. I’m sure this is a thing, right? Life fatigue?

I posted on Facebook and pretty much everyone was like YEP UH HUH SAME. So at least it’s not just me.

So eventually I did what I tell others to do…and did a little self care.

Then got some kitty cuddles.

Took a long hot shower and washed my hair.

Caught up on a few episodes of a favorite show.

Got surprised with yummy treats from a friend.

And had a margarita.

Physically-distanced margaritas with my new friend!

So if you recall, the seller of our new house invited us over for drinks and a casual walk through. That was today. And it was epic.

Long story short, she’s amazing, the house is amazing, and we love it even more now!! We got along really well, we have a lot in common (to start, a love of margaritas and makeup!), and we are definitely going to be friends! How cool is that? The kids even wanted to stay the night!

Just 13 days until closing!!

I feel like as your Margarita Queen, I have failed you.

You guys.

For legit YEARS I have been juicing limes for the freezer (because who can use a whole bag before they go bad?!) and then also freezing the rinds to put down the garbage disposal to freshen it up.

And then today. Today y’all. I had the mic drop moment. I was juicing limes from our local fruit and veg box (George Fourkas Produce Company) while also drinking a margarita and I thought why not use those frozen lime ends as ice cubes? 😱😱😱 No more watered down margaritas!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

You’re welcome.

Katie’s teacher gift drop off!

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week and…end of year I guess?! Mrs. Hansen got some beauty goodies from me and, well, since it’s Cinco de Mayo she also got margaritas (plus Katie’s memory book to write in). She only lives about a mile from us—and probably less as the crow flies.

Lest you think I forgot Owen’s teacher…I delivered hers last week! That was a story in itself. I transposed her address so I actually dropped off the gift—and Owen’s book!—at the wrong house!!! There were a few moments of panic on my end because Owen’s book is irreplaceable and I kept thinking WHAT IF… Plus with the Corona thing, it’s not like she could just go knock on the other person’s door! And I felt horrible that I screwed it up. Well, some quick googling got me property records and a name which got me to LinkedIn where I recognized the guy who had been inside the screen door at a desk (I had just assumed it was her husband) and his posted resume had a phone number! I called and left a message explaining everything…and he called back almost immediately—he had been talking to her! She had walked down and they had a nice chat! In a bizarre turn of events, his daughter’s name was Heather and she was a teacher so he just thought it was a gift for her and didn’t even think anything of it! But he was very nice about it and even joked about enjoying the margaritas!

When you have a FREAKING BLAST doing an…

eyeshadow look LIVE with your clients…and it seems like it’s going to be a HOT MESS but it turns out SOOOOO FREAKINRG GORGEOUS.

But first, the before picture… Ready to go live with my prize wheel and a margarita!

And some after shots… It really did turn out fantastic.

This ended up to be one of my favorite looks I’ve ever done. Could I do it again? Meh…. Probably close but not exact.
▪️Pink Hibiscus Shimmer
▪️Deep Plum
▪️Lapis Glitter
▪️Warm Gold Shimmer
▪️Sandstone Pearl Shimmer
▪️Glacier Glitter

Sigh. Now to wash it all off and go to bed…

👩🏻‍🏫 So lessons learned?

  • Sometimes you just gotta wing it.
  • Trust the process and believe.
  • It’s just makeup.
  • Mascara really helps. (It REALLY does help finish a look and make it look better, even when it seems scary.)
  • So do margaritas.

It’s a Fiesta look!

You guys. Before this month I never (NEVER) would have grabbed three new ShadowSense colors and totally winged it on a live video. 😱😱 WHO AM I?! 🤪 But that just proves what anyone can do with a little practice. I mean seriously, if I can do it, YOU can do it.

▪️Lime Shimmer

Also? SeneGence missed an opportunity to call Lime Shimmer Margarita!