Life fatigue struck today.

Friends, do you ever have one of those days where you just. can’t. get. moving?! Or don’t want to? I’m feeling very overwhelmed today…. House, business, kids, animals, finances, Covid, eLearning…in short—life. Nothing specific or worrisome is going on…just…overall blurgh. I’m sure this is a thing, right? Life fatigue?

I posted on Facebook and pretty much everyone was like YEP UH HUH SAME. So at least it’s not just me.

So eventually I did what I tell others to do…and did a little self care.

Then got some kitty cuddles.

Took a long hot shower and washed my hair.

Caught up on a few episodes of a favorite show.

Got surprised with yummy treats from a friend.

And had a margarita.

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