The maiden voyage of my Margaritaville machine!

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I’ve tried our really good blender before (that’s supposed to be good with ice but… didn’t give you really smooth ice) but wasn’t sure the cost of this would be worth it.

But it is. It sooooo is. 

The only thing at the moment is I don’t have the individual ingredients for margaritas…so I’m just using my ready-to-drink mix. It’s good, but once you mix it with the ice, it tastes diluted. So…I decided to add some extra tequila, some Grand Marnier, and some mashed strawberries from the freezer!

And then this happened. NOOOOO!!!

Yes, don’t worry. I know how to fix it.  After realizing there was no way to get all the cork out…in it went and then I strained it.


This has been on my wishlist for a looong time.

I mean, I had Kohl’s cash (plus a 30% coupon) to spend so why not? So tonight we’ll be celebrating spring break and I’ll be prepared for e-learning that starts next week.

I also learned during the buying process that there are different levels of this machine—I hope I bought the right one!!

I posted on Facebook and a friend told me my face should be on the box. So I did this:

Mmm. Monaco cocktails.

So this is what happens when you are wasting time while waiting for your take out Chinese order to be ready… you walk down the strip to the liquor store and see what’s new. Enter Monaco Cocktails. The cashier recommended the white can (original, which I tried Saturday with a friend) and this one, which most likely approximated a margarita. I approve of both (the white one tasted like Monster+Vodka) but this one is better. Cheers!