Happy Father’s Day

Our kids are so very very lucky to have you as their dad! You’re amazing!


And of course, to my own dad, who I love more than anything…except I blame his rule on not becoming a grandpa before he was 50 on scaring me so badly he didn’t get grandkids until he was 60! 🙂


And to my stepdad, David, who has a heart of gold and is a great addition to our family! And I just realized I don’t have a pic of just the two of us!

Happy Father’s Day!

We started the day by trying out the Bumbo seat—and he barely fits in it! (Well, he fits fine—I’m sure it’s supposed to be a little form-fitting. But his little chunky legs are somewhat wedged in there.)

Anyway, we should have been using it WAAAAY before now, but we were waiting because we thought he was supposed to be able to hold his head up on his own (when sitting upright) before using it—but he did just fine.

We also tried more oatmeal (cereal) while he was in the chair…and he actually ate it! We probably got about a teaspoon total before he got cranky! He didn’t really like it going in (we got the screwed up WHAT DID YOU JUST PUT IN MY MOUTH? face, but it stayed in and he let us do tiny spoonful after tiny spoonful!). YAY! :>>

And then it was time for a cute new outfit. And guess what size it is? JUST GUESS. No, it’s a 9-month size! NINE MONTHS! And it’s just about too small!! He’s not even five months old yet!!

Then we had some mommy time:

And finally some daddy time!!