Kidisms 25

Owen came upstairs to tell me that Katie was being rude. She wanted a gem from his Lego set and he said no:
She called me a rat and it wrinkled my heart.

Tom: Katie, do you want to watch TV?
Katie: Yes, because Murray has a little lamb.

Katie: Mama, do the tickling thing again, where I was laughing.

We were in the car headed to the park.
Owen: Mom! Did you see that?
Me: What?
Owen: It was like a bird but it was metal or plastic. And birds aren’t made of metal or plastic. Birds are made of…birds!
Katie: No, birds are made of feathers.

Kidisms 24

Tom snuck up behind Owen and scared him.
Owen: AHHH! You heart attacked me!

Something I bought was the perfect thing I’d been looking for.
Tom: Winner winner chicken dinner.
Katie: What? We’re having winner chicken for dinner?

At Gander Mountain:
Katie: Mama! The fishie got dead by a bear because bears eat fishies.

Katie couldn’t get her clothes on: I’m hard to do it.

Kidisms 23

Katie had her Doc McStuffins stethoscope on my chest:
Mom! You have some sounds! I hearded them!

I told Katie to go open the front door because Tom was coming home:
I can’t! I don’t have muscles!

While half watching The Flash (daddy was watching) while “reading” to me, Katie saw bullets on the floor in the scene:
Those are her shoots.

Katie, looking at my wedding ring:
Mama! Look! There’s a pretty jewel right there!

Tom: Tell mama about your flower nightlight.
Katie: Daddy used screws!

Owen: Katie, your voice is cute. I want to listen to it forever. That means I don’t want you to die. 

Owen, watching a friend play XBox Lego Movie and trying to help:
Do it [that way]. Just trust me.

The kids were talking about our mosaic wedding photo during dinner.
Katie: And that’s my mom and that’s my dad. You were a princess. And daddy was your prince. ❤️

We were watching Hotel Transylvania 2 and Katie said she wanted to ride a bike like Mavis (BMX-style).
Me: Katie, you don’t ride the bike you have.
Katie, frowning: I keep giving up.

Q&A with the kids

A friend posted this on Facebook and I did it with the kids: Without ANY prompting ask your kids these questions. It’s a great way to see what they think. (I asked them separately but they were in the same room at the same time.)

Owen, 6
Katie, 3

1. What is something I always say to you?
Owen: I love you.
Katie: Be polite. 

2. What makes me happy?
Owen: Being nice.
Katie: Being polite.

3. What makes me sad?
Owen: Not being polite. 
Katie: Not being polite. 

4. How do I make you laugh?
Owen: Telling jokes. 
Katie: Like this <cackles>. Donuts.

5. What was I like as a child?
Owen: Reading. 
Katie: Playing dinner. 

6. How old am I?
Owen: 42
Katie: I don’t know.

7. How tall am I?
Owen: 4.5 inches. 
Katie: I don’t know. You’re big.

8. What is my favorite thing to do?
Owen: Going to the beach.
Katie: Play games with me.

9. What do I do when you’re not around?
Owen: Watch Ellen Degeneres.
Katie: I don’t know.

10. What am I really good at?
Owen: Reading.
Katie: Putting the tv on.

11. What am I not very good at?
Owen: Playing video games.
Katie: Making dinner.

12. What do I do for a job?
Owen: You don’t have any jobs.
Katie: Something amazing.

13. What is my favorite food?
Owen: Pizza.
Katie: Chicken dog. I mean pizza.

14. What do you enjoy doing with me?
Owen: Playing board games.
Katie: I don’t know.

Who knew an old desktop would be that fun?

Tom is getting rid of an old desktop and just had it sitting temporarily in the living room. The kids were completely enthralled with it. I was at my computer and I heard Owen behind me clicking away on the keyboard, saying he was texting dad and playing music. He also kept plugging and replugging the mouse and keyboard cords.

Then, of course, Katie got involved. When she wasn’t clicking away she was “on the phone” (the mouse). 🙂

Super gecko muscles!

Yeah, I don’t know, either. That’s a 6yo boy for you. 🙂

I bought these new footie PJs at Target today (and actually washed them!) so he found them when he got home. I wish you could see the hoodie—it’s got Dino spikes on it! Anyhoo, he put it on and I think daddy or Uncle Rob called him a gecko and then Owen came up with the super gecko muscles bit.

Kidisms 22

Owen was working on Legos at the table. I heard a piece hit the floor.
Me: Something just hit the floor.
Owen: Not something. Someone. [Smartass grin]

Tom was tickling Owen before bedtime.
Owen: Stop, you’re making me wild!

Uncle Rob: Owen, watch your Legos.
Owen: Why, are they going to run away?

Katie and Owen were playing catch with her new baseball mitt.
Katie: Owen caught my ball into my mitten!

Tom and Rob were speaking with an English accent.
Owen: Stop speaking Harry Potter!

Christmas Morning!

Santa was here!


“It says Barbie Dreamhouse!” (Every time she sees Barbie she thinks it says Barbie Dreamhouse since that’s a show she watches on Netflix.


Santa knew Katie liked Sofia the First and brought her a crown (and amulet and gown, which you will see later)!


“It’s a tutu!!! With a Michigan State helmet!!!”



“Look at all the new princesses!”


“Anna! Now I have Anna and Elsa!”


Grannie knew she liked Sofia, too!


As he was starting to open it, “Look! Two dice!” And then was amazed to see ALL the dice!



She does this with every piece of clothing. 🙂



Opening a family gift from Santa!


Done at at 8am on the dot! (But then we realized we hadn’t done stockings!)


Maggie REALLY enjoying a bully stick from her stocking!


A cutie amidst the mess.


Kidisms 19

I love Owen’s phonetic spelling attempts. Zebras? Z-E-B-R-E-R-U-S

Owen got home from school.
Katie: Daddy, come down. Owen’s in the house now.

I was cooking in the kitchen, making a marinade with honey.
Katie: Is that syrup?
Me: No, it’s honey.
Katie: I love honey.
Me: You do?
Katie: Yes.
Me: Are you sure?
Katie: Yes!
I gave her some to taste. She makes a face.
Me: You don’t like it, do you?
Katie, shaking her head: NO.

Owen: Mom, when Katie is older and gives birth?
Me: Yes? [Intrigued as to where this is going to go.]
Owen: I’ll let my kids stay up until 9:30.

They are both so sweet.

So we’re watching Inside Out and some scene comes on where the characters are crying.

Katie: What’s he doing?
Tom: He’s crying. It’s good to cry. It’s how we deal with things.
Owen: Like when Grandma Marsha died.
Tom and I look at each other and get teary.
Me: Exactly.
Owen: And we won’t forget her…
Katie: Because she’s always in our heart.
Tom and I look at each other again and just about lose it. The kids weren’t phased at all and just went back to watching the movie.

I’m glad the things I’ve said to them have sunk in, even if Katie doesn’t specifically understand yet.

Kidisms 18

Owen: Mom, my tongue hurts.
Me: Why does your tongue hurt?
Owen: Because I really want to eat.
Me: Yeah it doesn’t work like that.

Owen: Burger King is delicious.
Me: Yes it is.
Owen: But the breakfast meals are deliciouser.

As we are driving in the car:
Tom, to Katie: Kisses!
Katie: I can’t reach! I’m in my seat!

At Costco after Katie said she had to go potty and was successful:
Me: Katie, you did such a great job! I’m so proud of you!
Katie: I know. Thank you.

Driving to Kalkaska:
Owen: Mom! You missed it! The white tree with black spots. Like in my game!
Me: Those are birch trees and we’ll see more!

Owen’s classroom tour

I had to drop off the table signs for the fall festival and a bag of odds and ends containers to the STEAM class…so just took Owen to school. Since we had extra time before school actually started, I had him show me around his classroom. I learned more about his days in that 15 minutes than I have all year. 🙂

Hallway art:

Color: Blue
Food: Pizza
Animal: Cat
Book: Stop the Bot

  • I will look for [I can’t tell and he couldn’t remember]
  • I will look for ink for writing
  • I will build a house for living
  • I will discover Spain
  • I will discover America
  • I will find fresh water
  • I will find gold and food

I joked with him, asking if that was really his handwriting because it was SO much better than what I get from him at home. 🙂

In his classroom:

I had him walk me through what happens when he comes in every morning.

First, the coat gets stuffed in the box (behind his knees), the lunch box goes across the room to the big lunch bin (the teacher carries it down at lunchtime because they go straight from recess to lunch), the Book Baggie goes in a specific numbered basket (each kid has their own number), and the homework folder goes in a bin.

Some of the book bins:

Owen’s hopes and dreams: to learn to write. 🙂

Some of their daily schedule:

Work centers—he had to point to each column and read all the names and activities:

This picture was sitting on the teacher’s desk and he pointed it out saying “Look! I’m wearing my Minecraft shirt!” Not what the picture was for or when it was taken, LOL. I asked and he said “just because.” I’m guessing maybe it was the first say of school because I know that’s what he wore that day. (The teacher wasn’t in the room so I couldn’t ask her.)

Then he told me about a bunch of other stuff in his room…poetry center where you grab a sheet from the basket and read it, how when they read to self they grab a book and a pillow and can sit “anywhere in this section,” etc. He was so proud and so full of information! I told him THAT’S the stuff we wanted to know when we asked him about his day. 🙂

Lastly, when his teacher came back, I spoke with her separately for a few minutes to update her on his GI issues. We told her he had a change of clothes in his bag and we just recently put his underwear in a separate ziploc bag in case he had to change them during class and didn’t want to be obvious about it. We also let her know that it’s okay to tell him to go change if she notices anything, and maybe she can take special care to let him deal with it after everyone has left for recess or lunch or whatever so that the other kids don’t know. She was very nice about everything.

Sunday walk with my protector. 

It was COLD this morning—in the high 40s, I think—when we set out. We were in multi-layers, Owen had gloves, and we both had our hoods up. 🙂

Today’s weapon was a lightsaber. 🙂

As we were walking along, I was getting the usual commentary about weapons and which bad guys are in the forest and why the minotaurs are no longer there…and then suddenly he stops, turns around, and says “Shhh! We’re in skeleton forest!”

I love this boy. :heart:

Kidisms 17

Tom just came home early and threw Katie in the air a few times then put her down.
Katie: Do it again!
Tom: Daddy’s back hurts. I just had a major back cracking.
Katie: OHHH NOOOO!! Are you okay?

We asked Alexa to play some Christmas music. She started playing O Little Town of Bethlehem.
Katie: That’s not Christmas music. It’s not jingle jingle.

Katie was playing with my pill container.
Katie: Mama, when I want a pill can I have a pill?
Me: You don’t need any pills.

My phone alarm rang at 7:45 signaling Owen’s bedtime.
Me: Owen, it’s time for bed.
Owen: I don’t want to go to bed. I’m not tired. He wastes some time whining. I want to go to bed at 7:50.
Me: That’s four minutes.
Owen: Okay! Daaaad! I’m staying up late tonight! 7:50!
Tom: Laughs.

Our new turtle is official!

She finally got her new cap today!

Playing before class:

Since there’s no convenient Turtle class (i.e. adjacent to Owen’s Shark class), Katie is staying in her Minnow class and the instructor just teaches her swimming vs. floating. So today was attempting to get her face in the water, kicking, with arms above her head. She did pretty well. She had fun “swimming like a mermaid.” 🙂

Playing after class:


It was cute. Katie had been on the raft by herself with the instructor. Owen’s classmates all jumped in and were a bit aggressive getting up on the raft and Owen kept shouting “Be careful! That’s my sister!” 🙂

Welcome to Minotaur Forest!

We were all on our Sunday morning walk and Owen, as usual, talks about his video games the entire way. Stuff about zombies and poison shields and earning gems and potions for magic sticks…and when we got to this point on the trail, it was “WELCOME TO MINOTAUR FOREST!” 🙂

Then as usual we stopped at the bridge to throw over some sticks and stones.

And then we told them this was a zombie house and they should go check for zombies (it’s an old prison building).

We have fun on our walks. 🙂

Kidisms 16

Katie: I don’t have to throw up on the ground like Maggie and Charlie and Bella.

I was playing Legos with Owen.
Me: I love your brain.
Owen: I know. My brain is creative.

Me: Alexa, shuffle music.
Alexa: /plays Christmas music/
Me: Christmas music?! Owen, do you want to listen to Christmas music?
Owen: YES!
That’s my boy.

Katie: I’m a good doctor for animals and toys. This is my clinic.