Kidisms 23

Katie had her Doc McStuffins stethoscope on my chest:
Mom! You have some sounds! I hearded them!

I told Katie to go open the front door because Tom was coming home:
I can’t! I don’t have muscles!

While half watching The Flash (daddy was watching) while “reading” to me, Katie saw bullets on the floor in the scene:
Those are her shoots.

Katie, looking at my wedding ring:
Mama! Look! There’s a pretty jewel right there!

Tom: Tell mama about your flower nightlight.
Katie: Daddy used screws!

Owen: Katie, your voice is cute. I want to listen to it forever. That means I don’t want you to die. 

Owen, watching a friend play XBox Lego Movie and trying to help:
Do it [that way]. Just trust me.

The kids were talking about our mosaic wedding photo during dinner.
Katie: And that’s my mom and that’s my dad. You were a princess. And daddy was your prince. ❤️

We were watching Hotel Transylvania 2 and Katie said she wanted to ride a bike like Mavis (BMX-style).
Me: Katie, you don’t ride the bike you have.
Katie, frowning: I keep giving up.

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