Kidisms 18

Owen: Mom, my tongue hurts.
Me: Why does your tongue hurt?
Owen: Because I really want to eat.
Me: Yeah it doesn’t work like that.

Owen: Burger King is delicious.
Me: Yes it is.
Owen: But the breakfast meals are deliciouser.

As we are driving in the car:
Tom, to Katie: Kisses!
Katie: I can’t reach! I’m in my seat!

At Costco after Katie said she had to go potty and was successful:
Me: Katie, you did such a great job! I’m so proud of you!
Katie: I know. Thank you.

Driving to Kalkaska:
Owen: Mom! You missed it! The white tree with black spots. Like in my game!
Me: Those are birch trees and we’ll see more!

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