Threenager alert!

Life has become interesting lately. Our sweet little Owen is turning into a threenager. Holy cow does he test my patience…what little of it I have left.

We tell Owen to NOT do something or STOP doing something…and he turns right around and does it.

He has zero attention span when we ask him to pick up toys. It’s a constant repetition of “Owen, please put all your toys away. Owen, please put your cars away. Owen, please put your cars in this box. Owen, put your cars away now. OWEN! Mama asked you to put your cars away. If you don’t, I’m taking them away.”

And every time you ask him to put something away—whether he’s actively playing with it or not—he says “No, I’m just playing!” And then wants to play with whatever you wanted him to put away.

He’ll whine that he “doesn’t want a snack/drink/toy/etc. anymore” and then two minutes later he wants it.

He is starting to get more destructive—he was “helping” by winding Katie’s pack-and-play mobile…and actually doing okay so I left him alone, only to come back five minutes later and it was completely broken off and he was playing with it on the floor. 😐

He’s broken a bunch of toys just rough housing with them or not being careful. I make him throw them in the garbage.

The day care lady had to talk to him today—a first. 😐 He was throwing toys at or with another kid. She said they talked about it, he apologized, and things were okay, but she just wanted to let me know. Oh, and he also snuck into the bathroom and was playing at the sink…his shirt was completely drenched when I picked him up after only an hour. I commented that he has just turned into a threenager during the past week or so and she said it appears to be going around.

And potty training. Oh man, don’t get me started on potty training. He had the peeing down completely after really just a week (with just a few accidents after his nap or in the morning, which was to be expected) and poop has been a challenge since day one. So we get home from vacation, and suddenly he’s peeing in his underwear and ON THE FLOOR. And poop is still a huge issue—he knows poop goes in the potty and he’s excited and happy when he does go, yet I typically spend all day cleaning up poopy underwear and his poopy butt because he either doesn’t realize he’s pooping, he does realize and just doesn’t care, or he’s just being super obstinate. I know he’s still learning, but it’s super frustrating.

One time he called me over to tell me he had poop on his foot. Yes, poop. On his foot. And it was completely dried. So I have no idea when or where he stepped in poop (I haven’t smelled it or found it). And then he threw a holy terror tantrum when I made him stick his foot in the bath to clean it. And this was after I had to strip his bed again because he peed in his bed (and on the floor) during his nap. Yes, potty training might just kill me.

Anyone want our threenager? Just temporarily, mind you?

Things Owen said today.

I was going through some flash cards with Owen. He’d tell me what the picture was, then flip the card over and read the letters to spell it. Most of the words were short, like apple, sun, barn, and lamp. Then we got to skateboard—and he turned it over and said “Wow! That’s a lot of letters!”

He was sitting on the toilet in an attempt to poop (what he has to do when we see him grunting or find poop in his butt). He talks about anything but pooping, which is hilarious. Tonight was:

  • “Mama, that’s a pretty picture of rocks!” (About a picture of petoskey stones on a beach above the toilet.)
  • “Mama, where’d the fire candle go?” (One of the times in the bathroom with him, I lit the candle.)
  • “Mama, can I see the timer? I need to see the timer.” (He has to sit there for 10 minutes, and I made the mistake of showing him the timer on my phone once and now he won’t shut up about it.)
  • “Mama, you have a poop spot on your leg.” (It was a bruise.)

He doesn’t shut up the entire time. He’s full of stories and imagination and things like this…



Oh, the things you talk and write about when you’re a parent. 😯

You should see the size of Owen’s poops, which are about every 3-4 days (which is why they’re so big). 😯

They are ALWAYS too big to flush—we joke that it’s the size of a sweet potato but it’s not quite that big—but it always needs to be broken up into pieces. /gag/ I have no idea how he can, um, contain that much OR get rid of it without pain (he’s usually whining when he poops, but it’s not a pain cry and he never says it hurts).

So anyway, not only will Owen NOT poop on the potty until it’s dire….now he apparently has the poop dribbles. Like diarrhea consistency but not quantity. Lovely. So I Google and…he’s just, um, FULL. So the liquid parts are coming out around the solids.

I had asked friends for advice and, unfortunately, most of their suggestions were for different foods—which, if you know Owen, is NOT going to happen. However, they did remind me that we’ve been traveling (not really conducive to drinking a lot OR being on a regular schedule OR being able to run around all day to get things moving). And of course he’s JUST potty training so it’s still new and probably scary (even though when he DOES poop he seems very excited and promises to do it again). So we have been promoting as much liquid of whatever kind he wants…

We were on our way to getting really worried and were about a half day away from taking matters into our own hands (with a bit of Miralax in the morning) when he finally did poop tonight. Phew! BUT! We are now going to be watching his diet more closely—adding more of things he already likes (like nuts and Fiber One granola bars) and adding more stuff he doesn’t even realize he’s eating (like flax seed in his peanut butter).

Isn’t this fun?! 😐

Potty Charts

Owen did really, really well with going potty on vacation. He only had a few accidents (only on an overnight or a nap!) but overall we were both really impressed. He even made it all the way to Michigan—two days and 18 hours in the car—without an accident!

He filled out two of these sheets while we were gone—one star for each potty, with him being able to pick a treat when each line was completed. He LOVED picking out the sticker and LOVED putting it on the star. He even tried to negotiate by saying “Two stars?”

Captain America!

So when we were passing through Troy on the way to Grayling, we stopped at Costco for some formula (we hadn’t brought enough). Along the path to the formula, I saw the same Halloween costumes like we had in North Carolina, except they had a bigger selection…so I grabbed a Captain America for Owen. We didn’t show it to him right away, but saved it as a “poop reward” in case we needed the leverage.

Well, we brought it to the U.P. with us and he saw it. My dad saw it, too, and REALLY wanted Owen to wear it. Except…I had already deemed it a poop reward and things in that area were NOT. GOING. WELL. so it was seeming fairly unlikely that he was going to earn the costume while we were there (we have cleaned more than our fair share of poopy underwear in the few days we’ve been here). And Tom and I DO NOT go back on our word with Owen, so he HAD to poop in the potty to get it. I think my dad was more heartbroken than Owen was. 🙂

Well, long story short, he had a tiny poop that made it in the toilet (though, honestly, I think it might have been stuck between his cheeks and it just FELL into the toilet) but I really wanted to get Owen excited about pooping—and let my dad see Owen in the costume—so I counted it! Owen was GIDDY with excitement about the costume, and of course he had to put it on and parade around in it for everyone (he loves an audience).

And then with papa’s swim goggles (which came home with us—thanks, papa!)

Refusing to go poop!

This is now one of my all-time favorite Owen videos. Oh. My. Gawd. It was all I could do while recording him NOT to bust out laughing…and at one point, you can see the video jiggle because I was trying to hold it in. I laugh every single time I watch it, and I bet you will, too. In fact, I dare you to only watch it once.


Oh. My. Gawd.

Owen just pooped one of the biggest poops I’ve ever seen. IN THE TOILET! ENTIRELY ON HIS OWN!! (He claimed he did once before but he flushed before we saw it, so we aren’t 100% sure.)

He had pooped in his underwear twice this morning so we kept him naked (on the recommendation of a friend who went through this recently with his son and claimed it worked wonders). So Owen was playing out of sight (naked) while we were watching the MSU/CMU game…then suddenly came running in “Mama! Daddy! I pooped in the toilet! All by myself! C’mon! Come look!”

So I followed him—downstairs!—and I’ll be damned…he did. But it was SO huge I honestly thought it might have been Tom! So of course I called Tom to check it out (it wasn’t). And I took a picture for posterity (no, I won’t be posting it!).

We lavished him with praise. He seemed thrilled.

We said “Wasn’t that easy?” He said yes!

Then he says “You happy now?” We said yes!

Then he picked out his reward and I asked if he was going to keep pooping in the potty…and he says no. 😐

Potty Training: Day 3

Since Owen pretty much has the basic hang of peeing in the potty, we’ve downgraded the cost of the toys in the jar—we started with real die cast Cars cars and are now down to chocolate candies, dollar store trinkets, and Matchbox cars. 🙂

Also, Tom had regaled me with tales of Owen doing everything perfectly by himself. But with me? He apparently can’t ever get his undies off and when he does he pees all over everything. So now, in addition to the cheaper toys, he only gets a toy if he successfully pees in the potty and keeps his undies dry.

About half the time we still have to ask him if he has to go potty. Today I asked him and he said no (he was watching a TV show) but he was crossing his legs so I actually said “OWEN GO POTTY RIGHT NOW” at which time he ran in there and peed just fine (Tom ran in right behind him and I think he may have helped a bit). So our biggest obstacle seems to be him not wanting to stop what he’s doing.

And then there’s the poop. UGH. We knew he was going to have to poop today since it’s been two days…so we were watching him very closely and making him play in the same room as us. Whenever we asked if he had to poop, of course he’d say NO! and then say “NO poop on the potty!” |-| He peed just fine.

Fast forward to this afternoon when I discovered a tiny little nugget in his underwear…which, of course, he hadn’t told us about. So we made him sit on the potty, letting him play with his cars (and future reward) but he pretty much spent the whole time saying “NO POOP ON THE POTTY!” and saying he was going to poop in a diaper. 😐 I told him we were going to try to poop every 15 minutes and sent him off in clean underwear. On our next trip to the potty? Poopy underwear again. >:XX I know pooping is the hard part, but OHMYGOD one of us might not survive this.

And I really don’t know what I’ll do when Tom isn’t around all day…

Second day of potty training.

Well, there were ups and downs today…as expected, I guess. 😐

I went to town and bought 15 pair of (size 6!) underwear, so we’re fully stocked. I also bought a bunch of toys for the Pee and Poop Reward Jars. Of course, when Owen saw me with the new toys that he couldn’t play with, he had a mini meltdown…complete with his growling “Not gonna pee in potty anymore! Don’t want toys anymore!”

But overall he did pretty well peeing in the potty. There were a few instances of not quite making it in time—he gets to the bathroom but either pees on the way there or doesn’t get his undies down in time. And the times he does get in there, his aim is awful (even with Cheerios as targets)…so needless to say the Clorox wipes and baby wipes are kept close at hand (one to clean the floor/wall/toilet and one to clean him).

I think his biggest problem is not wanting to stop what he’s doing to go potty, hence the waiting until the last minute. If you ask him if he has to go, he usually says no. So you have to watch him like a hawk and notice him holding himself or crossing his legs or prancing around. But other times he’ll just go in the bathroom on his own… so it’s a total crapshoot. He did earn quite a few toys so he was happy.

The best part of the day, however, was when he was handed a chocolate coin for his potty training reward, and said: “A chocolate coin! WOOHOO!” Yes, he literally said WOOHOO! 😀

Tomorrow is poop day. It’s been two days with only rabbit turds… Lord help us.

Are we really potty training? REALLY?!

So I was off getting my hair done and Virginia (our good friends’ kid who is now babysitting age! She was three when we met her!) was watching Katie, so Tom decided it was time to see if Owen would use the potty (especially after the success of peeing in the grass last night). I didn’t know this, of course, until I was out of the house, so it was a big surprise to me!

So I got a text and a photo of Owen standing in front of the toilet! The next text was “Success!” and a picture of Owen holding his reward—a new Cars car! The next text was a photo of the near miss (pee on the rug in front of the toilet). Then later a text saying Owen had earned a lot of cars! 88|

I tried not to get too hopeful, thinking it really couldn’t be this easy (though we had hoped that if we just waited long enough, it WOULD be this easy) but I admit to being excited.

When I came home, we celebrated by ordering pizza for dinner. And Owen kept peeing in the potty all night and earned more toys (it’s a good thing I have a backlog of toys ready for this occasion)! Here he is outside, waiting for the “pizza man.”

Of course, poop is going to be the bigger obstacle…but I have BIG (more wanted) toys ready for that—an Iron Man robot, a big school bus, and a bunch of Cars 2 cars—that he’s really excited about. Funny thing—the big toys are too big to set on top of the medicine cabinet, so I was just going to put them in his closet, right? Except he knew they were there and kept opening his closet to look at them. I figured that might not be conducive to him actually sleeping, so I put them in our room, but put one of them (Iron Man) in the bathroom on the top shelf above the toilet—but that didn’t last long as he climbed up on the toilet and reached up to touch it. I could only see that ending badly, so that one got moved as well. Hopefully they are enough incentive to get him to poop on the potty!

The only somewhat big (though minor) mishap was when I was putting Owen to bed. He was in bed, we read a story, and as I was getting up to tuck him in…I saw a poop nugget in the bed, smeared (I had obviously just been sitting on it). So…sometime during the day, he had pooped, and it apparently fell out of his underwear…and he never told us. Yes, poop is going to be the hardest part.

So, it looks like we’re potty training. And sticking close to the toilet all weekend. And watching him like a hawk!


Owen peed in the grass!

Owen and I were in the pool and he was naked and we’ve told him you can’t pee in the pool. After awhile he says “I need a diaper” and grabs his penis. I make a big deal about him letting me know and tell him he can go in the grass—and then I put him there! He wasn’t too sure. I told him he could pick one of his new cars and he was super excited about that. It took a minute with some cajoling, but he did it!! :up:

We celebrated, he was excited, and he got to pick his car! I said going pee in the grass was just like going in the potty…but he wasn’t falling for it.

But it’s a start, right? I think we’ll do a naked weekend soon.

Toddler Plus Diapers

So in researching diapers for Owen in case he gets any bigger and the size 6s no longer fit, I ran across a site that I thought would be the answer: Dignity With Diapers that sell “Toddler Plus” sizes. Except what the hell? The sizes listed are 28-42# and then 65-85#. Of course, Owen is right in the middle at about 52#. And the regular diapers we currently use are listed as 35+ so I’m not sure how 28-42# would be any better. Ugh.

He HAS GOT to get potty trained. :**:

Target practice almost worked

Tonight, Tom asked Owen if he wanted to try target practice in the potty, and Owen was immediately excited. So of course we BOTH got excited, since this was really the first interest he’s shown in trying to use the potty. So we threw in some Cheerios, Tom showed him how to do it, flushed, let Owen throw in his own Cheerios…and then he just stood there. Nothing. We left the Cheerios in there and let Owen go bottomless, telling him to tell us when he had to pee and we’d go in there.

Well, it didn’t work, but there was a tiny bit of progress. I was downstairs while Tom had the eagle eye on him, and apparently at one point, Owen reached down and grabbed himself, Tom asked if he had to pee, Owen said yes and they tried to get to the potty, but Owen peed (well, dribbled) in the bedroom. But at least he knew the feeling.

So it looks like one of these weekends, we’re going to just bite the bullet, leave him naked all day, and keep trying to get him into the bathroom.

Owen, where’s your diaper?

So I had left off Owen’s PJ bottoms since I had anticipated potty training activities today and wanted it to be as easy as possible. After the tantrum, I just left them off.

So imagine my surprise when I came upstairs with his pre-nap snack…and saw his diaper on the couch next to him! He was just sitting there watching TV.


Yeah, it’s the first time he’s EVER taken off his diaper!

So of course I proceeded to put that diaper RIGHT BACK ON. Lordy. I hope it doesn’t become a habit!

Owen went potty!!

Owen peed on the potty chair tonight! Totally unexpected! We went to change him into his night diaper and he was dry. So my mom (Gramma Jean!) said “Let’s put him on the potty.”

And we did.

And encouraged him.

And waited.

And after a few minutes we pulled him off since it seemed like nothing was happening…but there was a full potty!! Oh my god—we screamed and clapped and practically threw a party!! He seemed happy, but I’m not sure if he really even knows what he did (other than from us making a fuss over it) because he was watching TV while he was on the chair and he seemed way more concerned with that than with what he was/wasn’t doing on the potty.

Oh, I know it could just be a fluke and nothing else might happen for a long time…but I have to be prepared either way.

What a way to celebrate his 27-month birthday. 🙂