Target practice almost worked

Tonight, Tom asked Owen if he wanted to try target practice in the potty, and Owen was immediately excited. So of course we BOTH got excited, since this was really the first interest he’s shown in trying to use the potty. So we threw in some Cheerios, Tom showed him how to do it, flushed, let Owen throw in his own Cheerios…and then he just stood there. Nothing. We left the Cheerios in there and let Owen go bottomless, telling him to tell us when he had to pee and we’d go in there.

Well, it didn’t work, but there was a tiny bit of progress. I was downstairs while Tom had the eagle eye on him, and apparently at one point, Owen reached down and grabbed himself, Tom asked if he had to pee, Owen said yes and they tried to get to the potty, but Owen peed (well, dribbled) in the bedroom. But at least he knew the feeling.

So it looks like one of these weekends, we’re going to just bite the bullet, leave him naked all day, and keep trying to get him into the bathroom.

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