Are we really potty training? REALLY?!

So I was off getting my hair done and Virginia (our good friends’ kid who is now babysitting age! She was three when we met her!) was watching Katie, so Tom decided it was time to see if Owen would use the potty (especially after the success of peeing in the grass last night). I didn’t know this, of course, until I was out of the house, so it was a big surprise to me!

So I got a text and a photo of Owen standing in front of the toilet! The next text was “Success!” and a picture of Owen holding his reward—a new Cars car! The next text was a photo of the near miss (pee on the rug in front of the toilet). Then later a text saying Owen had earned a lot of cars! 88|

I tried not to get too hopeful, thinking it really couldn’t be this easy (though we had hoped that if we just waited long enough, it WOULD be this easy) but I admit to being excited.

When I came home, we celebrated by ordering pizza for dinner. And Owen kept peeing in the potty all night and earned more toys (it’s a good thing I have a backlog of toys ready for this occasion)! Here he is outside, waiting for the “pizza man.”

Of course, poop is going to be the bigger obstacle…but I have BIG (more wanted) toys ready for that—an Iron Man robot, a big school bus, and a bunch of Cars 2 cars—that he’s really excited about. Funny thing—the big toys are too big to set on top of the medicine cabinet, so I was just going to put them in his closet, right? Except he knew they were there and kept opening his closet to look at them. I figured that might not be conducive to him actually sleeping, so I put them in our room, but put one of them (Iron Man) in the bathroom on the top shelf above the toilet—but that didn’t last long as he climbed up on the toilet and reached up to touch it. I could only see that ending badly, so that one got moved as well. Hopefully they are enough incentive to get him to poop on the potty!

The only somewhat big (though minor) mishap was when I was putting Owen to bed. He was in bed, we read a story, and as I was getting up to tuck him in…I saw a poop nugget in the bed, smeared (I had obviously just been sitting on it). So…sometime during the day, he had pooped, and it apparently fell out of his underwear…and he never told us. Yes, poop is going to be the hardest part.

So, it looks like we’re potty training. And sticking close to the toilet all weekend. And watching him like a hawk!


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