This pandemic is a lot like bringing home a new baby.

She’s right. This pandemic is a lot like bringing home a new baby.

I realize I have it easier than a lot of people so I am not complaining, but I don’t have time to paint my bedroom or organize the pantry or read a shelf of books. I am busy all day long and at the end of the day I legit have no idea what I’ve been doing, but I do know I only crossed off a few things on my ever-growing to-do list. It’s infuriating. So while this isn’t the absolute worst thing that can happen, it certainly isn’t idyllic. And it isn’t that much fun. And my kids certainly aren’t getting a freaking adventure.

Not quite a lazy day.

So I knew when I woke up this morning that something was different about today because our room had a really distinct bright white light in it…which can only mean that there was snow outside on the ground. WHAT THE F, MOTHER NATURE?! Then Katie came in all excited because she thought today was going to be a lazy day—apparently she thought that since LAST Friday was a lazy day that THIS Friday was a lazy day, not realizing that last Friday was a holiday.

“BUT THERE’S SNOW OUTSIDE….” she whined.

“Yes, and in regular times, you’d still be going to school.”

I did agree that today should be a LAZIER day (because my ulterior motive was me not getting out of bed at all!)

So here it is 1pm and I just got out of bed to put my mask on and then I crawled back into bed.

The Hudson read three stories for Katie’s class!

Katie’s teacher sent a YouTube video of her reading a story so I asked the kids if they wanted to do one…and to my surprise they both said yes. Katie whines and complains so much about reading that I was FLOORED that she was excited to do it. She knew exactly the book she wanted to read (they’ve read it in class), she knew what one I should read (an old favorite), and Owen knew what one he wanted immediately.

My first time out shopping in 18 days.

I was really struggling about if I should go out shopping or not. One part of me thought it’s stupid to worry—we’re healthy. Even if we were unlucky and did get it, we’d likely be okay. But the other party of me says why chance it? We can live without 100% of the things on my Sam’s Club list. But if I’m going out for a “must” (I guess milk is a must since the kids eat so much cereal) why not get the other stuff as long as I’m there? It’s one less trip we’ll have to make in the future.

I’m in my little bubble—I haven’t been out in 18 days, Tom 13 (minus a drive by pickup). I have stayed off media for the most part. I’m really more concerned with other people. Like I wonder how stores are? Busy? Lines? People being awful or good? Like I wouldn’t mind going as much if I can walk in and walk out. If I have to stand in line with 100 people who are not social distancing I’m gonna lose it.

I went back and forth discussing with Anna—and eventually decided that I was making myself more crazy worrying about it than if I just went out and did it. So off I went to Sam’s. This is what it looked like.

They were only letting in 100 customers at a time. It took me 20 minutes to get inside the store. I wasn’t rushed but I did want to get in and out as quickly as possible. People kept their distance for the most part. I ended up getting more things than I planned just because I could. I didn’t check on toilet paper because we didn’t need it, but they were entirely out of pasta (all kinds) and spaghetti sauce (I normally don’t buy jarred sauce but Owen uses it for his instant pot dinner).

I’m glad I went but now our clock is reset at zero days.

On the positive side? I picked up some new margaritas since I’m all out of my old favorites that I stocked up on last year. Fingers crossed they’re okay.

Neighbor jam session!

Owen decided to play his sax on the front porch. There was no one out to listen to him but he didn’t care.

The next thing I know I hear an electric guitar…and look out to see this. I was at once happy (that they figured out how to play together safety) and sad (that they had to).

They played for probably two hours. Katie was sitting with a sign asking for donations to buy sanitizer for people who don’t have any. (So later we had a talk about that being a wonderful idea but how could we make it better. We landed on donating to the school’s food drive.)

Death by 1000 cuts…

I am so tried of every single little issue that I have to take care of or referee. Poor Tom gets an earful every time he ventures up for a bathroom or coffee break.

  • Katie’s videos don’t have sound on the desktop
  • Owen can’t login to his google meet
  • such and such google doc is missing
  • Katie can’t figure out 9+4 even though she knows how
  • Owen makes so much noise while he works (feet tapping, humming, singing, gum chewing, etc.) and it drives me and Katie crazy (which then causes them to argue)
  • they are both watching videos on their separate devices and can’t hear because they’re loud so we have to hunt down headphones
  • a friend calls their device to chat so they both jump up (its now muted)
  • I get asked all morning long if it’s time to watch science videos (we do have a schedule for this reason)
  • the doorbell rings and they both jump up to answer it
  • Katie’s website doesn’t have sound again
  • if one is watching a video the other one migrates over
  • Schoology is down then up then down then up
  • I have to keep track of emails and texts and websites and assignments
  • and on and on and on while also trying to do my job…and I can’t seem to get anything done.

I know it’s just the start and we’ll get into a rhythm, but for now, it’s exhausting. I don’t know how parents with more kids or a full-time job are doing if I’m this much of a stressball.

It’s official. Distance learning is going to break me.

I’ve created a pretty good schedule—learning in the morning (broken up into subject blocks) with all afternoon for creative play and outside time. With time planned to check media and chat with friends. And I do know that the schedule isn’t hard and fast so I’m trying to be lenient.

But I just can’t deal with Katie arguing that 11-3=2 (she knows better, she’s just really stubborn and refuses to admit she’s wrong) and that you can make the word CAME from CAMPING. She’s arguing that her workbook isn’t school (no, technically it’s not from school but it IS schoolwork). And she’s lost her laminated login/password sheet which we obviously need…and she’s “looking” for it by sitting at the computer and staring at the monitor… Until I tell her to keep looking until she finds it…and 2 minutes later she’s doing something else. 😒

Owen is better overall…but once he got online for his Google class meeting, all was lost. I let him finish his blocked time and let him know he needed to wrap it up… But almost 45 minutes later he was still chatting PLUS he decided to play his recorder and sax for his friend (there’s that noise I posted about earlier). I know he’s excited to talk to his friends, but it makes me stabby when he’s just ignores me.

I know everyone has different schedules so I’m trying to be forgiving but I’m losing my mind…on Day 2, hour 2. 😭 This is something I didn’t even think about as going to be challenging.

I know this is new for ALL of us and it will likely get better but until then… Sigh.

This is our third school schedule.

I did a daily schedule the first week we were out of school. It worked pretty well. The kids knew what time blocks came next and pretty much stuck to it on their own.

Then came the week of spring break and we got off the rails a little. I revised the schedule a little in preparation of the anticipated actual distance learning… Only to have the teacher’s schedule sent out after I had finished so I had to revise a little. After a day of no one really even following it…I came up with a new schedule that put all academics in the morning so when it was lunchtime, that was the end of school. I had been trying to break it up throughout the day but I kind of think it made it harder, so…we’ll see. I actually hate having a schedule at all, but if we didn’t have it, every day would be a dumpster fire as no one would do any schoolwork but they’d beg for tech all day.

I already see some minor changes I want to make, and I’m sure this will get edited a few more times before we get settled into our new learning routine. We have at least a month ahead of us…

I’m appreciative that we are able to do distance learning and that I am actually able to be here for the kids and it’s not a hardship for us…but it is frustrating that ALL the hard work I did to get the kids detoxed from tech has all been wiped away within two weeks. 

The first nice day in forever…

It was nice today (57°!) so we took a walk to do a photo scavenger hunt and leave chalk notes on people’s driveways!

Marking found and photographed scavenger hunt items by punching a hole with a stick—making do because we forgot a pencil.
There was quite a bit of chalk art around the neighborhood.
It was so nice seeing friends on our walk today and being able to chat, even if it was from a distance. ❤️❤️

The kids went across the street to decorate the driveway of a single older lady. Owen also told me her brought her trash up to the house. ❤️

As far as for social distancing? Every single person that we saw and had to pass kept the right distance. Sometimes we moved out of the way, sometimes they moved out of the way. Thankfully we didn’t see any kids at the park but I would’ve lost my mind.

I was really happy about all this because I keep hearing stories about how parks are FULL of kids with and without parents around?!?! GRRR. I just think a lot of people are in the “it’s not going to happen to me” camp. And, of course, in the best case scenario, we won’t see anything happen at all and we will think all of this was for nothing. But that just means that it worked.

Anyway, they really had a lot more fun than I thought they would. Now we just need lots more nice days…

I treated myself when we got back… uncovered my egg chair and had a drink!

Y’all. It’s time for a quadruple.

The kids went outside today…and ignored my instructions about playing with neighbors… SO THAT WAS…FUN.

 SETTLE IN, Y’ALL…here’s what happened on our first day of self-distanced shelter-at-home Spring Break.

The day was going as expected with sibling squabbles and whining about iPad time and complaining about little chores and me not getting to the taxes because work stuff popped up. So I finally sent them outside…and that was the beginning of the fall.

What happened you ask? Well, I might have gone a little crazy bonkers yelling at the kids when they ignored my instructions about playing with neighbors…

Granted it wasn’t one of my better parenting moments but we have just been stressing the importance of staying away from EVERYONE—learning how quickly germs travel and talking about it all the time and why it’s important and how we’re sorry you can’t play with friends now…and then to see them wilfully disobey me? Not good.

Yes, I know they’re kids. Yes, I know they forget—SQUIRREL!!—which is exactly why I said just talk across yards. But then it became “we’ll stay apart” in the driveway and I said no because you’re kids and we can’t trust that you will STAY apart even though you think you will. Heads hanging they went back outside. And the next thing I know I hear screams of kids having fun in our yard so I went to look—really hoping they were being good—and I saw five of them all too close. 

Now am I really and truly worried that something bad is going to happen? No. I’m practically the farthest thing from a germaphobe you might find—but I’m trying to be proactive here because too many people think it’s no big deal and look where that got us?

So I was THAT mom who opened the front door and screamed to her children to get their butts inside and for the neighbor kids to GO HOME. I might have been loud enough for long enough that Tom came up from the office downstairs to see what was going on. And then we both proceeded to let the kids know why we were upset with them—for probably a good 10 minutes. Again, not terribly proud of how we handled it but I was just shaking I was so mad. Like I was kind of scared at how mad I was. We then made the kids strip and put their clothes in the wash and take showers (total overkill even for me but we wanted to prove a point).

After they showered and I had calmed down a bit, I hugged them both and apologized for losing my cool but explained that I just wanted to keep them and us and everyone around us safe so they need to trust us when we tell them what they can and can’t do. And emphasized yet again that we are also missing our friends—we’re not punishing them.

The whole thing was rough. And it totally sucked. But tomorrow is a new day and I’ll give myself some grace and we’ll move on. And keep a closer eye on the kids. 

So use this post to prepare yourself for if and when this happens in your house so you can avoid acting like a crazy person to your kids.

Who’s in for the epic party of 2020?

I’m already thinking about our Saturday dinners we can’t have and our awesome Back to School BBQ that will likely not happen…so get ready. That’s all I’m saying. RSVP NOW. Depending how long this shiz really goes on and depending what happens with Tom’s work sitch…we may also add a Housewarming to the mix. Who’s in?!

I just thought I’d share what homeschooling is like for us.

Extrapolate this to similar events happening ALL DAY LONG and you can see why it’s mentally EXHAUSTING.

As of 9:30 we were already off schedule because Katie “forgot to eat” so her reading time is taken up with eating. She asked if she could finish reading during creative time (the next block). I said yes. (Also, if her normal body clock has her hungry at 9:30, school starts WAAAY TOO EARLY but I digress.)

When it finally is time to read, do you think she picks up either of the two books she has been reading? Of course not. Plus we are still working on being able to tell us what happens in a story because we recently figured out that she hasn’t actually been reading to comprehend. 🤦🏻‍♀️

And Owen… he has been asking for the next Harry Potter book forever and so we finally were able to check it out online so he can read it on the Kindle and what does he grab? The same Captain Underpants books he’s read four times already. 🤦🏻‍♀️

So Owen is reading as scheduled and humming while he reads. Katie of course has sat down RIGHT next to him so asks him to stop. He doesn’t—nd honestly shouldn’t have to because she has a whole house she can read in. She refuses to move to her “book nook” she created in the other room AND ASKED TO LEAVE OUT. Owen then starts humming even crazier JUST to annoy her. Mad props to him but I can’t say that so I tell him that isn’t nice but she does move to another room. When the official reading block is up I remind her she was going you finish and she flat out refuses to continue reading even though SHE JUST ASKED to finish her reading.

Self-distancing Day 3

I had to go to my regular chiropractor visit this morning and didn’t want to take the kids so left them at home alone for the first time. I can be there and back in like 20 minutes so it was a good test.

When I was done I called home to Alexa from the parking lot to see how they were doing and if I could run to Sam’s. Katie answered in a towel so I love she’d finished her shower as instructed. They said they were good so off I went. Yay for them getting older!!

The school schedule worked pretty well and we all survived…but there’s room for improvement for sure. But I also decided to start our taxes today and that was more of a nightmare than anything. Oh, and I scored toilet paper and tissue…but no milk. Cheers!

One of the Facebook memes is to talk about your day with your kids but calling them your coworkers. Without further ado…

My female coworker lost her shit when her hair didn’t do what she wanted and ended up whimpering in my lap while I tried to gently explain she’s kinda stuck with her hair forever.

My male coworker is still behaving nicely in order to earn his daily Xbox time. The female doesn’t seem to give two shits about the Xbox time.

Both coworkers are blind to Legos on the floor and lost some when maintenance vacuumed.

ETA: Both co-workers needed to be reminded that they can make their own lunches. They used to do it every day so why am I now a chef? Make yourself a damn sandwich.