Not quite a lazy day.

So I knew when I woke up this morning that something was different about today because our room had a really distinct bright white light in it…which can only mean that there was snow outside on the ground. WHAT THE F, MOTHER NATURE?! Then Katie came in all excited because she thought today was going to be a lazy day—apparently she thought that since LAST Friday was a lazy day that THIS Friday was a lazy day, not realizing that last Friday was a holiday.

“BUT THERE’S SNOW OUTSIDE….” she whined.

“Yes, and in regular times, you’d still be going to school.”

I did agree that today should be a LAZIER day (because my ulterior motive was me not getting out of bed at all!)

So here it is 1pm and I just got out of bed to put my mask on and then I crawled back into bed.

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