It’s official. Distance learning is going to break me.

I’ve created a pretty good schedule—learning in the morning (broken up into subject blocks) with all afternoon for creative play and outside time. With time planned to check media and chat with friends. And I do know that the schedule isn’t hard and fast so I’m trying to be lenient.

But I just can’t deal with Katie arguing that 11-3=2 (she knows better, she’s just really stubborn and refuses to admit she’s wrong) and that you can make the word CAME from CAMPING. She’s arguing that her workbook isn’t school (no, technically it’s not from school but it IS schoolwork). And she’s lost her laminated login/password sheet which we obviously need…and she’s “looking” for it by sitting at the computer and staring at the monitor… Until I tell her to keep looking until she finds it…and 2 minutes later she’s doing something else. 😒

Owen is better overall…but once he got online for his Google class meeting, all was lost. I let him finish his blocked time and let him know he needed to wrap it up… But almost 45 minutes later he was still chatting PLUS he decided to play his recorder and sax for his friend (there’s that noise I posted about earlier). I know he’s excited to talk to his friends, but it makes me stabby when he’s just ignores me.

I know everyone has different schedules so I’m trying to be forgiving but I’m losing my mind…on Day 2, hour 2. 😭 This is something I didn’t even think about as going to be challenging.

I know this is new for ALL of us and it will likely get better but until then… Sigh.

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