You won’t believe this. They told me they had to order a new tire because…there was a flat spot on one of the tires. I said that’s odd, no? New car and all. Service guy said “It depends how long they sit on the lot, etc.” So you mean to tell me this brand new car that just arrived on your lot late last week…has a flat spot from possibly sitting too long? Really? That’s the story you’re sticking with?

I would more believe I picked up a nail in the parking lot or on the drive home than that load of BS. (But if that was the case, I’m sure they’d tell me it was my fault.)

So, in trying to be positive, I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that something abnormal happened and this is an odd case. The negative side of me says they screwed something up and just don’t want to admit it so they are just fixing it under the guise of a bad tire.

And I don’t like it.

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