My lazy ass skincare routine.

So if you know anything about me, you know I’m super lazy when it comes to most everything. I mean, you know how much I love my egg chair, right? And I might enjoy making my kids run and get things for me so I don’t have to go upstairs. And a sloth would be my spirit animal. 😂

So for a long time, that kept me from doing any type of skincare. I hated that every night Tom would just get into bed and I had this whole ROUTINE I had to do (take out contacts, take off makeup—okay I guess that doesn’t sound like much but when hubby is in bed in a minute and you’re not, it’s annoying).

But then I turned 40 and realized I really should be taking care of my skin. So I started with baby steps. And over the past few years I’ve added a product here and there and I finally timed myself just to see how long it all took.

😳😳 The results are something even a lazy ass like me can accept:

☀️⏲ MORNING: 1 minute 30 seconds
🌙⏲ EVENING: 3 minutes 10 seconds

In all honesty, that is just skincare and not contact and makeup removal—but that would only add another two minutes at night. So it was actually MUCH less time than I thought it was.

I’m good with that.

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