Two quick hours.

So I was NOT tired last night at bedtime. I tossed and turned for awhile (listening to Tom snore then not snore then snore then not snore) then finally just gave up and was catching up on email and whatnot on my phone. Until 2am. 😐 But, I figured, at least I’d REALLY be tired once I finally fell asleep and I’d sleep really well and get up at my normal-ish 7 or 7:30.

Except a loud BEEP woke us up at…4am. One of the fire detectors was apparently dying—even though Tom somewhat recently changed all the batteries. And it wasn’t on a quick beep cycle like it usually is (like once every two minutes) so it took like 15-20 minutes of waiting and listening to figure out which one it was. 😐 So by now it’s almost 4:30 so Tom just starts getting ready for work—and of course I’m wide awake from the BEEP so I hear the shower and him shaving and getting dressed and all that I normally sleep through (or wake up and hear but just roll over and fall back to sleep). At 5 I just gave up and got up, showered, and started my day.

So I get to face the day with a toddler and a baby on two hours of sleep.

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