First Crayon Drawing

We were up in Grayling for the weekend to visit with Filipek’s, and I was sitting doing something with Izzy when she suggested she get a piece of paper for Owen to write on. Well, he was using a pencil, and kept poking through the paper, so I suggested a crayon instead. She ran to her bookbag and brought back a turquoise crayon. I held the paper and let him go to town…

(Gramma says it’s a nice picture of snow-capped mountains behind a lake!) Then Izzy wanted to write on the back. 🙂

A little while later, while we were all still eating dinner and Owen was left to his own devices (having already finished eating), we suddenly heard Marcus saying “NO, OWEN!” Yeah, he had just drawn his first crayon WALL art. |-|

Owen's first wall art

Thank heavens for Magic erasers!

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