Real food!

The real food thing is going a lot better now!

Since the last update, he has tried (and liked) a lot of things including red and green grapes, spaghetti (any shape noodle), and Kraft cheese slices. We tried fresh strawberries again (for about the third time) and he finally ate some! YAY! He also really loves fried eggs now, and can easily eat a whole one by himself. He is still really liking Cheerios and of course he still LOVES his yogurt. He wasn’t too keen on broccoli, although he did eat the tops. And he’s LOVING his whole milk.

This past weekend Grandma Marsha and Uncle Rob came down, and we went out for lunch. Owen ate chicken and grapes, tried shrimp (he ate it!), and had a lot of fun squishing (and eventually eating) orange pieces and jello.

It’s really fun to try new foods, although it’s still frustrating when he will scarf something down at one meal and won’t touch it the next meal. He’s pretty much off baby food, although now and again he’ll get some (I fed him a jar when we went out to lunch). Some times it does feel like a challenge trying to figure out what to feed him (if what we’re eating isn’t really acceptable) but there’s always yogurt. 🙂

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