A few steps…

A week or so ago, when dad and Linda were here (before their trip to Florida) I ran a quick errand (like 20 minutes quick) to the post office. When I got home, dad says to me, “You didn’t tell us Owen could walk!”

I screeched said, “HE CAN’T!”

Yeah, turns out the little shit took four big steps—and dad thought I hadn’t told him about it so they’d be surprised.

Of course, he wouldn’t repeat it…and we tried and tried and tried. Since then, he might take a step (or half a step) but then he always kneels down and crawls. He does a lot of standing (you can see him working on balancing) and really-fast-walking-along-the-couch but that’s been it.

But he finally took a few genuine steps this weekend—and Tom and I both saw him, although we didn’t get it on tape.

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