To Owen on his 1st Birthday

Dear Owen,

We can’t believe it’s already been a year since you were born. It seems like just yesterday we were headed to the hospital, completely unprepared to have a baby (you were three weeks early, after all!). We also can’t believe how much we love you—we never thought it was possible to love something or someone SO much. Your dad and I constantly tell each other (and you) how much we love you, and we hope you can tell, even if you can’t understand us yet.

We are very, very thankful for the great little boy you are. Your mommy wasn’t sure she’d have the patience for a baby…but you have really been so easy—such a wonderful baby—that we feel very lucky.

  1. You have pretty much been a happy baby since Day One.
  2. You rarely cried and were never colicky.
  3. Once you started sleeping through the night, you slept like an angel.
  4. You continue to nap well and sleep well.
  5. You never needed to be held or rocked to fall asleep.
  6. You have only been sick once, and even then you weren’t that cranky.
  7. You really didn’t care what brand bottle we tried with you.
  8. You liked the cheap formula from Costco.
  9. Once you started solids, you were a really good eater and ate most whatever we gave you, quickly and easily.
  10. You have never had any major potty accidents (“poopsplosions”), at home or in public.
  11. We have never had to change the sheets in the middle of the night.
  12. You have the best laugh, and you laugh easily.
  13. You can play by yourself and keep yourself amused.
  14. You love to cuddle and watch Sesame Street.
  15. You haven’t been terribly cranky while teething.
  16. You transferred from a bottle to a sippy cup without missing a beat.
  17. You transferred from formula to milk without missing a beat.
  18. You love water and love baths!
  19. You don’t mind getting water on your face or in your eyes.
  20. You don’t mind getting your teeth brushed.
  21. You have always traveled well.
  22. You have always liked other people and will let anyone hold you.
  23. You are amazingly cute and unbelievably photogenic.

Of course, there are some things about you that we’d wish you’d quickly outgrow (every one of your books has chewed corners and your crib looks like it was attacked by a beaver) but these things pale in comparison to the love and joy you bring into our lives on a daily basis.

We can’t wait to see you continue to grow and develop, and we hope the upcoming years go by a bit slower than the first year.

Love Always,

Mommy & Daddy

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