I really can’t believe Owen is a year old already. I think this past year might have been the fastest year of my life so far (if I forget about his first 6.5 months when he wasn’t sleeping through the night, which seemed like the longest 6.5 months of my life!).

Unfortunately, the morning didn’t start off too well…I decided to change him in his room (where all his clothes are now—we moved them earlier this week) because I wanted to start the day off in his “1st Birthday” onesie. Well, he really kicks up a storm now during diaper changes—and he’s also started to LOVE throwing things (repeatedly!)—so he kept throwing his toy and kicking like mad AND reaching back behind him for the lamp.


So I was trying to give him the toy (again and again) so he would stay still for just a minute, while trying to wrangle him back on the changing pad, while trying to keep him away from the lamp, while trying to take off his PJs…when he kicked EVERYTHING off the dresser—including the humidifier—so there was water spilling everywhere.

Needless to say Mommy wanted to scream and she was NOT happy about being frustrated with the little man on his birthday. 🙁 But then we had our quiet cuddle time on the couch watching Sesame Street, and I loved him again. 🙂

Then, as usual, he wanted nothing to do with sitting still to take pictures—but with Grandpa Mike’s help, we did manage to get a few (overall, so far today, about 10 out of 80 were decent).

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