So Owen has been somewhat cranky over the past few days, but we really didn’t think too much of it. People said he might be teething, but we’ve been thinking that for weeks, if not months—with no teeth ever appearing.

So for the past week or so, he has NOT been a good eater like he usually is—you know, where I basically shovel in food as fast as I can and he eats three whole jars of food per meal. Lately, it’s been maybe one jar or four bites from three different jars—not even really liking or wanting his favorite yogurt. 88| So we thought something might be up.

And then yesterday evening we noticed a rash! We googled and thought it was probably just a heat rash, as we’d had him in his chicken costume for a bit and it was probably too warm. It also might have been a contact type of rash, since he had the costume on for a few minutes without any barrier like a onesie (and it’s not washable, so we didn’t wash it after we got it). So we just thought we’d keep an eye on it and if it was worse (or no better) in a day or so, we’d call the doc. Again, someone suggested teething (apparently some crazy things can happen when teething starts) and we just said YEAH, WHATEVER, because so far there has been no teething.

So this morning he ate a good breakfast (which he hasn’t been lately). And then he wasn’t eating his lunch and he was fussy and screeching a bit and I happened to look in his mouth while he was screeching and I swear I saw something different! A little white spot! So I stuck my finger in and sure enough! A tooth is starting to come through! OWEN’S FIRST TOOTH! :>>

So I got out the teething tablets and those seemed to help quite a bit. I also gave him a frozen strawberry to chew on. He seems to be doing well, but I think we need some Motrin for the next few nights…

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