Homeowners Insurance – Part 5 – THE END!

Looking at the figures again, we still thought it just wasn’t right. There seemed to be an extra payment in there that shouldn’t have been.

Long story short, it took another few calls to Farm Bureau and Farm Bureau did some digging and then called Wells Fargo to get it straightened out.

So what happened?

The original homeowner’s policy we had with Farm Bureau BEFORE WE HAD RENTERS was in two separate policies: a windstorm policy and a homeowners policy. When we got renters and the policy changed to an all-in-one, only the homeowners portion got cancelled—the wind somehow was still in place. So, Wells Fargo was expecting to have to pay that $1100 in October (the anniversary of when we actually started that policy).

Farm Bureau assured us we only had the one premium to pay, and called Wells Fargo to tell them. I then had to call Wells Fargo to request yet another escrow re-analysis…and YAY! Now our mortgage is only going up about $15/month!! Much much better than the originally anticipated $350/month!

So, thankfully, this issue has been resolved.

/knock on wood

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