
It is currently 4:15am as I write this.

Yes, 4:15. >:XX

Owen decided he was hungry at about 2am, which meant I was up until just after 3am.

And then I had to pump, which I did in semi-darkness to stay sleepy.

But then I wasn’t really tired, so my mind wandered to some things I needed to remember to do today, so I turned on my phone and emailed myself some reminders. I thought that would be enough and my mind would be clear so I could fall asleep.

Then Bella decided to puke, so I got up to clean that…because the last thing I want to do in the morning is step in wet cat puke unexpectedly.

And then since I was up, I thought “Well, I will just go downstairs real quick and grab a protein shake since I am suddenly hungry.” (This often happens after I get up with the kid, although the need for sleep usually outweighs the need for sustenance.)

So I was doing everything in the dark to try and keep me sedate, so I didn’t really wake up too much.

And once I was downstairs, Bella threw up again. Which, obviously, necessitated turning on lights to clean it up.

So now I was really quite fully awake.


So decided to check my email and do a few things I had been thinking about (that I didn’t email myself reminders for).

And now it’s 4:15. Well, 4:20 since I’ve been typing steadily for five minutes.

I really do need to try and get back to bed because Owen will surely be crying for me about 6 or 6:30 if the past few days have been any indicator.

At least Grandpa Mike and Grandma Linda will be here later this afternoon and I might be able to catch a nap…

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