12-Month Check-Up

I couldn’t wait for today’s appointment, because I was VERY interested in how much Owen weighed—I was positive he had gained a few pounds from the last visit when he was 26#. So imagine my surprise when he weighed…26 pounds 4 ounces. Big whoop, he gained four ounces. I guess my back is just getting worse and worse and I thought (assumed) he gained more then he did. 😳

So, his stats:
Height: 32″ (95th percentile)
Weight: 26# 4oz (95th percentile)
Head: 47cm (75th percentile)

His head size also surprised me—his head looks so big that I couldn’t believe it was only in the 75th percentile.

And he apparently doesn’t like anyone to touch him now. He fought tooth and nail when the doc was trying to look in his ears, listen to his heart, and whatever other things she was looking at. Sigh.

He did, however, enjoy playing with the vertical blinds and spinning the doctor’s chair:

We now get to transition to whole milk in a sippy cup (not even a bottle!) AND get to brush his teeth after each time. That means an entirely new routine. IF he even likes the sippy cup for milk. IF he even likes the milk. I can’t wait. |-|

Then it was time for his immunizations. Four of them (well, three plus a flu shot). Two of which apparently sting like the dickens. Oh, there was screaming and crying and tears…poor kid. He was pretty okay a few minutes later, but I am guessing that was the Tylenol kicking in. He had a bottle on the way home and is now napping.

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  1. Pingback: Katie’s 12-month well-visit | Hudson Chatter

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