Gramma Jean is here so it’s puzzle time!

Tom hates them, Owen doesn’t love them, and Katie likes them but not enough to sit and finish a big one. And I enjoy them…and only do one when my mom visits!

So Owen generally has zero interest in helping with a big puzzle but he was all about the little ones tonight! (The emoji puzzle is from the Bingo Basket Katie won at William Halley ES in 2017!)

Almost done…

These mini puzzles are more Owen’s speed. They are really fun to do.

Tubing with the fam!

We all went tubing today at Hanson Hills!! I had never done it before but I am all about NOT having to walk up the hill!! I hadn’t been inside the building in probably 25 years…plus they’ve totally updated it…so how can it still smell exactly the same?!

Tubing was so much fun…but everyone else in Grayling had the same idea and there were too many people (IMO) so we only got three runs in! It only took about 10 minutes max to ride up and go down but they’re were so many people we were waiting 15 minutes in line. (The tow rope also broke for about 15 minutes—THANKS, MARIE!—so that didn’t help.)

Katie only went down twice—she got too freaked out that she was going to come out of the tube. I could actually understand—you really got going fast and I was initially a bit freaked out. I went down once with Owen, once with Tom, and then the last trip with Tom, Owen, Doug, and Robert!

Thanks to Gramma Jean for taking pics with my phone!!

Bitmoji iPad tech support

So the iPad lessons have been continuing and tonight I was helping Mom setup Snapchat and Bitmoji because she wanted a fun Bitmoji.

We were having fun when Katie came in and wanted to help. It was funny. Gramma Jean was looking at the type of body to use and said “OH NO! I have to use the last one (plump)” and Katie spread her arms to the Heavens and said “No, make yourself skinny!” So damn cute. Mom and I laughed and laughed.

Here’s the first Bitmoji she published to Facebook!

Gramma is funny.

So I’d say my mom is somewhat computer literate but she hasn’t jumped into iOS at all (to give you an idea, they have a TracFone).

But this year she got her first iPad for Christmas from us kids…and I’ve been giving her small lessons. It’s a totally new experience for her but she’s doing well–I’ve been using iOS since 2009 so sometimes I forget how overwhelming it can all be.

So tonight a bunch of us were talking and she was standing by me when she took a photo and she asked if I wanted it so I told her to Airdrop it to me (something I taught her last night) and without hesitation she dropped the iPad into my lap.

The room never laughed so hard. #scoreoneformom #micdrop

Family traditions…and cooties!


This is the extra blog post I mentioned earlier.

One thing I love about our family is our traditions. Today we’ve spent the day together celebrating Christmas in July—something we started about six years ago when we got tired of the hustle and bustle during December.

  • We eat lots of food (Aunt Marilyn always brings german potato salad, Lisa T brings a corn salad, Lori brings taco salad, Aunt Marge brings shrimp and pizza lasagna, and there’s lots of grilling of brats, burgers and ribs—we all have meat sweats by late afternoon since we just can’t stop eating).
  • We do a white elephant gift exchange—and without fail, one of the women somehow ends up with a tool and ends up just giving it away after trading is over.
  • We take a family photo—and everyone gives my mom grief—but because of her, we have family photos dating back a loooong time. And I take a cousin photo.
  • Depending on the location, there’s a fishing contest or turtle races or both, there are lawn games, sometimes there are fireworks and a campfire and s’mores.
  • There’s always cards (euchre, of course, since we’re midwest people).
  • And eventually a game of Cooties breaks out and we relive the best stories from the glory days when we all played Cooties for a week when we camped together (Greg was a master from a young age, and today he proved he still has it).

So we all got to wondering…is our family the only one that plays Cooties? Do you have any idea what Cooties even is? I asked on Facebook and predicted 90% would have no idea, and I was dead on. If you don’t count the people directly associated with our family, 91% of the people didn’t know what I was talking about…and most of them thought I was talking about the box game Cootie. (To be honest, I totally forgot the box game was even a thing when I initially posted!!)

cootie game

So what IS our cooties? I went to Google to see if I could find a succinct definition and I really couldn’t find anything. What? Google failed me? Eventually I found this, which is the basis of our game:

It’s an infection tag game, whereby one person has the cooties and must try to pass it on to someone else. You can’t get the cooties if your fingers are crossed. So if you are the one with cooties, you must catch someone who isn’t paying attention (hence my fingers crossed in the photo). There are lots of good stories, but the best one (and is the aforementioned one with my cousin Greg), is as follows.

We were all packing up and rolling out after a week of camping (pretty sure it was the annual trip to Harrisville). I don’t know how old I was, but it was before my parents divorced, so it was before 4th grade—I’d guess I was maybe 7 or 8? We were in the Oldsmobile ’88 pulling our popup camper, slowly driving out towards the campground exit when we see Greg (who is 4 years older than me, so right about pre-teen) FLAT OUT RUNNING towards us waving his arms crazily. Of course we stopped, assuming we had forgotten something or there was some other emergency (he had cut through the woods to get to us). My mom rolled down her window (was it my mom? how is this part hazy?) and Greg came right up to the car, reached out, and smacked her arm while yelling COOTIES! And there was much laughter on his part and much confusion and damnation on our part!! We had been sooooo close to escaping! And obviously cooties were the last thing on our minds. Well played, Greg, well played. The fact that we’re still talking about it almost 40 years later really says something.

Len Christmas in July, Year 6

I’m not sure we have enough crap for one day.

See? It really is Christmas!

When you learn awesome party tricks from your elders: Tequila-infused watermelon with salted limes. Aunt Rose, you rock!

The annual cousin lineup, by age: 7, 10½, 11, 12 (almost 13), 14 (almost 15).

And Nick is pulling away, which is okay since he is almost five years older!!

Adding older cousin Alex (17) to the mix (Jess was working).

I introduced Lisa to a few new products.

Unfortunately, it was a stormy day so we had to dodge rain and lightning for most of the afternoon…but, on the plus side, it wasn’t 100° with 95% humidity! My hair kinda grew throughout the day.

There was a fishing contest… Aubrey is a Master Fisher so she helped my kids. I was surprised at how long they kept at it! (Of course Tom was out there, too.)

Darrell caught the biggest one:

And then this happened…

Someone started the cooties!! (I think that will be a blog post in itself!) So for the last two hours we all had to keep our fingers crossed! We reminisced about the old days and learned Greg still has what it takes!

The big bummer? Lisa and Alex left pretty early and with the rain throwing things off, we totally forgot to take our group photo!

Vacation house, Day 4

Filipeks and Coes left super early this morning because they had a long drive and had to be back for work Monday. So that meant it was just the Hudson and Schwalm clans.

Katie was trying to sneak the flower crown on Gramma.

Look at this gorgeous little flower girl. I can feel the hearts breaking already.

They had so much fun with the “breakout box” that they played with it again this morning.

Someone finally got a bath!! I only had my body wash with me but once you turned the jets on it was bubbles galore!!

When Schwlams were leaving it was a bit rainy so we decided to look in the landscaping rocks for Petoskeys…we didn’t think we’d really find any, even though I had already found one. Mom thought it was random luck—like someone tossed one out there. So I went out and proceeded to find one within about two minutes. And then found more! I can find them anywhere!!

And then I found this, which I had no idea what it was. I posted on a Petoskey forum and was told it was a great Rugose Horn Coral colony.

There was also more pool time, of course. But also lots of time playing Peggle with Gramma. 😄

Vacation house, Day 3

Random pics aplenty!

Cousin Gabby made some gorgeous flower crowns.

Kathryn and Izzy tried some lipstick!

Filipeks made an awesome taco bar for lunch and ice cream bar for dessert!!

We spent the afternoon chatting on the deck and then dinner was delicious cheesy shrimp and grits!

And then the annual pics!


The kids, then and now.

Aunt Marie put together an amazing escape room/box for the kids. They had a blast!

Then there was card playing and video games.

Vacation house, Day 2

We were sleeping in an awesomely dark and quiet basement room so combined with a late bedtime, we all slept in! I was up at 7:30 (technically 6:30 CST) and just waited for either kid to wake up. Owen finally got up about 8:30! I stayed in bed to enjoy the quiet and when I finally came upstairs, this is where I found Owen.

And I decided to have a fully relaxing no makeup day.

The kids spent most of their day in and out of the pool. Spending time with Uncle Jim was super fun and they even had a cannonball contest!

While the kids were (still) in the pool I got some work done. Not a bad view.

The kids were finally out of the pool and playing hide and seek while we were getting dinner ready. Uncle Marcus and Uncle Jim we trying to confuse Katie as she counted.

The birthday kids!

And tonight was a campfire and sparkler night!

And it was a momentous night—Katie actually asked to go to bed!!!

Vacation house, we are in you.

The kids really wanted to get in the pool the minute we got to the house but I was a mean mom and made them look through the house first and then actually put their suitcases in a bedroom and not just leave them splayed open in the middle of the living room.

Watching intently as I opened the pool cover.

It’s like this pool house knew I was coming.

They might already be in the pool and I might have bought them an inflatable unicorn. 🦄💦


We had a bit of time before everyone else got here. It was quite a steep journey to the water and fire pit.

Dinner tonight was shish kebabs from the Coes. They were delicious!

Sous vide lobster prep!

We were trying two different types of lobster in the sous vide—fresh and fresh frozen. You had to parboil them all first so you could get the meat out of the shells.

It was a lot of work but I think it was better to have it done ahead of time instead of at the table.

It was unanimous that the fresh lobster was better, though we ate every last piece of both…plus the steak and green beans.

Which, speaking of the green beans, we had a helper:

Dinner prep for six? Easy peasy.

A Cowboy Ribeye as big as your head vacuum sealed and seasoned with fresh rosemary, onion, and spices going into a 132° sous vide water bath for a few hours and then it will be quickly seared on a 600° grill. I am already drooling just thinking about the melt-in-your-mouth smoky meat that you can cut with a fork.🍴🤤 Do you sous vide? (If not, you totally should!)

I got a huge surprise today!

For the last 18 years we haven’t lived near family since we’re military—so when your mom calls you one morning and says they’ll be there for dinner…


This isn’t a 20-minute drive, y’all—my mom lives 400 miles away!

It’s doubly exciting because it’s Mother’s Day weekend and I haven’t seen her since December!

Fast forward to her arriving tonight…

We stopped by Stephen King’s house (Maine, Day 5)

It’s completely unassuming if you don’t know what you’re looking for. It’s just another huge house along the street.

The weather wasn’t great, otherwise I would have tried to get some better-staged pics. I was also kind of bummed they were working on it so there were orange ladders all over.

And lest you think I was the only weirdo… There was a steady stream of people the whole time.

Maine, Day 4

Starting the day off right…with a lobster omelette for lunch!

Day 4: lobster #5

Unfortunately it was another dreary day for sightseeing—at Marshall Point Lighthouse.

But we made a tiny inukchuck. (It would have been much grander except it was starting to rain!)

Does this count as a lobster for the day?

The answer is no. 🙂 I wouldn’t rush to get these. I’d never be able to tell you what flavor they were if I didn’t know. But they’re still chips and I love chips so it’s all good.

Day 4: lobster # 6 — yet another lobster roll

This is mine, Kathryn’s, and a crab roll because (honestly) crab is my favorite so I bought the crab and mom made us one to share. I think I might get one more lobster in before leaving tomorrow…

Amd homemade strawberry shortcake for dessert…

Maine, Day 3

Unfortunately a dreary day for sightseeing.

So let’s go candy shopping! Yummy caramels, toffee, and treats for the kids!

And let’s have lobster for lunch.

Day 3: lobster #3 — lobster BLT

Then it was off to visit the marina where mom and David left from on their honeymoon—they’re pointing to it!

Aaaand lobster rolls again for dinner. Mom makes them SOOOOO good we didn’t want anything else.

Day 3: lobster #4

Maine, Day 2

I woke up to this on the table. (Yes, it was my 45th birthday!) It was tempting to eat right then but I refrained.

The view from the back deck did not suck.

Then it was off to start sightseeing. Or first stop was the prison show room (gift shop) why lots of hand made things.

Then it was off to Pemaquid Point, mom’s favorite spot in Maine. It was really quite cool and fun to walk around on the rocks.

All the girls!

Then we went up in the lighthouse.

(That big boulder toward the upper left? That’s the one I climbed on top of in the earlier pic!)

And then as we were headed out we saw some Monarchs in the garden.

Then it was off to find lunch. We ended up at Shaw’s Seafood…where everything sounded good so good so how do you decide?! I actually opted for a scallop roll because I love scallops. It wasn’t what I expected but it was tasty.

These came home with us for dinner.

We also stopped at a family market and had to try some fresh strawberry shortcake! Mmmm.

We stopped at a grocery store to get celebratory birthday drinks and got these new drinks for a birthday flight for us all to share.

Look at this delicious dinner…

Day 2: lobster #2 — fresh mom-made lobster roll

Overall a great birthday…

Maine, I am in you.

I’ve always wanted to experience Maine (and lobsters!) with my mom, so when she and David rented a cottage (in South Thomaston) for two weeks to celebrate their 20th anniversary and invited us to join them, I decided THIS was FINALLY going to be the year to do so. We lucked out in that my stepsisters Kathryn and Beth were also able to join us!!

This was dinner our first night!

Day 1: lobster #1 — fresh lobster dinner

First ever grandparent camp!!

Since we live so close to family now…and the kids are getting older and more self-sufficient, we thought it was time to let them stay for a long visit with the grandparents! As scheduling happened to work out, we went to Michigan for our family Christmas and then left the kids there…and then Gramma Jean and Grandpa David would drive up to meet Papa and Grannie Lin to hand off the kids…and then we’d eventually drive up to the UP to pick them up. They would be gone a total of 19 days, 12 of which they were completely without us. Needless to say we were all looking forward to it…the grandparents were excited about having the kids, the kids were excited about fun with the grandparents, and we were excited to have some alone time and general peace and quiet.

Here are the pics from some of the adventures they had with Gramma Jean and Grandpa David!

Lake Margarethe – of course they made fast friends with other kids who where there!

Roscommon Zoo

Len Christmas in July, Year 5

And the meat festival begins…Of course Timmy brought a ton of his amazing brats…but this year he added smoked brisket to the menu! HOLY WAH!

And no, your eyes aren’t deceiving you…that’s a Gummy Bear brat. With real gummy bears in it. It wasn’t bad…just a sweet taste. I thought Katie would love it because she LOVES gummy bears but nope. Silly kid.

And the annual kid comparison! After last year when Owen was taller, Nick pulled ahead (which he should, as he’s almost 14).

Owen and Nick 2018


Owen and Nick 2017

The kids goofing around while I was getting the camera set up.

My test shot to make sure the settings were okay, and I loved it so much I kept it. It’s also fun to see how we can all pull it together for the real photo!

Nick and Owen…conspiring? Planning? Who knows.

Gramma created a project for the kids—money frozen in a block! They had to figure out how to get to it! (It didn’t take them long!)

Oh yeah! We also gained a dog for an hour or so. Mom didn’t recognize him and Tom called the number on his tag and it was animal control…?!? He was good and just hung out with us—got a few pets and belly rubs (Maggie pretty much ignored him). After awhile a young girl came looking for him—and we found out she was visiting someone in the neighborhood.

Overall it was a perfectly gorgeous day—not too hot and not too cold, lots of good food (too much, actually, but we’re Lens so it’s expected), and great visiting with family and watching the cousins play!

Katie’s birthday adventure with GJ!

Remember last year when Gramma took Katie out on a birthday adventure? Well, she loved it so much they decided to do it again! But this year, Katie was really nice and invited her brother along, too, since she knew he’d have fun, too. Awwwww, what a sweet Katie bug.

They went to the city park and had a picnic lunch, skipped stones, and played in the river; then went mini golfing and to another playground; and finished off with ice cream from Dairy Queen and a quick treat from Dollar General! They had a great day!