Vacation house, Day 4

Filipeks and Coes left super early this morning because they had a long drive and had to be back for work Monday. So that meant it was just the Hudson and Schwalm clans.

Katie was trying to sneak the flower crown on Gramma.

Look at this gorgeous little flower girl. I can feel the hearts breaking already.

They had so much fun with the “breakout box” that they played with it again this morning.

Someone finally got a bath!! I only had my body wash with me but once you turned the jets on it was bubbles galore!!

When Schwlams were leaving it was a bit rainy so we decided to look in the landscaping rocks for Petoskeys…we didn’t think we’d really find any, even though I had already found one. Mom thought it was random luck—like someone tossed one out there. So I went out and proceeded to find one within about two minutes. And then found more! I can find them anywhere!!

And then I found this, which I had no idea what it was. I posted on a Petoskey forum and was told it was a great Rugose Horn Coral colony.

There was also more pool time, of course. But also lots of time playing Peggle with Gramma. 😄

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