Michigan State game day!

Owen has mentioned more than once he’d like to attend MSU and today he said he really liked it (but to be fair, it’s the first real campus he’s been on and he didn’t see much of it). I then asked if he wanted a pic on the campus of his future alma mater…and he obliged. Unbelievably it’s just 3.5 years away.

We got free tickets from Vettix and Grannie went with us!

We got some souvenirs—and Tom got a Sparty Party beer!

We had a cool view.

Right in front of the scoreboard!

This cute little one was in front of us!

Unfortunately they didn’t play too well and lost so that was a bummer. But we still had a good time!

And on the way back to the hotel, we took a mini detour and drove by the capitol.

The single photo I took.

I just didn’t take any pics during the party this year!

Oops! And forgot a took a selfie with my frozen margarita!

But that’s it!

As it turned out, it was our least-attended party ever. Disappointing to say the least after all the work and money we put into it.

Everyone was cleared out by 8 and we had soooo much food and drink left over it was exhausting putting it all away at the end of the night.

We’re definitely rethinking the idea of the whole party—but we know for sure if we continue, the waterslide isn’t coming back since barely anyone used it and that’s a huge chunk of money.

Friday Fave: Crab Rangoon + Year 22 of Chinese

Our annual tradition of Chinese on our anniversary (we’re at 22 years!). Sometimes it’s dinner, sometimes it’s lunch. It’s usually Crab Rangoon and General Tsos chicken but today we went outside the box with coconut shrimp and it was super delish!

Today’s were the most unusual shape we’ve ever seen—cute little octopi!

BTW, if Crab Rangoon is on a menu I’m getting it. And especially if it’s our wedding anniversary—we randomly had Chinese after our wedding and then randomly had it on our anniversary for the first few years so now it’s obviously a tradition!

Fingers crossed.

It’s official. Tom and I have started yet again. Hopefully for the last time.

I’m tired of feeling like shit after gaining back almost everything I lost back in 2015-2016.

I’m beyond tired of being tired and having everything hurt and never having any energy to do anything.

I’m tired of hating myself in every picture.

I’m tired of getting winded walking up a flight of stairs.

I’m tired of buying clothes when I literally have an entirely new wardrobe in my closet. (And I hate staring at a closet full of clothes I can’t wear.)

So even though I absolutely love food and sugar (and margaritas!) and I have zero energy for exercise…and even walking makes everything hurt…I have got to do this. Got to.

I’ve figured out some reasons why it was easier the last time… One, I was younger.  But two, and most importantly, we didn’t really see friends that often for meals. Huh? Why would that matter? Well, it was easier to just have our little meals and use our timers and everything. When we did have a party or dinner with friends, it was one night of debauchery. 

These days? We usually eat dinner with our best friends anywhere from 2-5 nights a week. Sometimes with apps and always with drinks. SINCE BEFORE THE PANDEMIC. And we go out for dinner probably 2x a month. Is it any wonder I’ve gained it all back?

I’m not sure how I’m going to do this going forward because I’m not sure if I’m strong enough to do all the right things all the time… But I have to try. One day at a time.

Fingers crossed.

Agate Day 4

Lunch prep!
They all pottied!
Tom’s project—fixing and refinishing the gliding bench! Which I found out was a wedding present!
Annual mini golf outing while Anna and I shopped!

ESRAY PARK OUTING — The kids love coming here—climbing the rocks, playing in the water, finding creatures…

We didn’t match them up for an exact redo but we’re just happy they’re all in it and smiling!
After our dinner out!

Seriously, Lansing?

We decided to stay the night in Lansing on the way home so we wouldn’t have to drive the full 6 hours at night…plus we’d get a chance to stop and visit with Beth and Jim and shop at our favorite Horrocks in the morning.

And then we noticed this when we were heading to dinner. Ughhhh. It wasn’t like that when we left Reese… So in the half hour we were in the hotel room, this happened in the hotel parking lot.

AND THEN! I realized that someone stole my unicorn magnet, too! Like, seriously?!

The Len Christmas in July is over!

It’s now just a gathering with food (lots of food!) and catching up…and euchre!

Plus we get the chance to get the kids together for comparison pics!! (They were all really good sports about it, too!)

Nick (18) and Owen (14) have been going back-and-forth over the years, but Owen is taller now (he was taller than everyone except Tom!).
2013—Katie (1) • Owen (4) • Aubrey (almost 5) • Grace (almost 7) • Nick (almost 9)
The three close birthdays!