Star of the Week project

So, aside from printing the pictures he wanted/needed, I decided I wasn’t going to help Owen at all on his Star of the Week. I mean, it’s his project and he should be able to handle it. Except after a mere 10 minutes, I was getting jittery just looking at it. 


And I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t let it go. Yes, it was his work, but I knew he could do better if he took more than a haphazard attitude. 

I asked if he liked it and was proud of it. He said yes. I asked him to get last year’s and see which he liked better. Once he saw them next to each other he realized he didn’t like his first effort at all

So all I did was gently guide him and suggest he place everything first—in groups—before gluing. 

And now we’re both happy. 🙂


A quick visit to Owen’s classroom.

Long story short, he had been missing his daily folder (we’d looked everywhere) so since I had to drop off some stuff at the school, I took him to school and had him search his classroom. We didn’t find it, but he enjoyed showing me a few things in the room.

The treat bag they all decorated—they get small treats at the end of the day if they had good behavior.

I liked this and am going to start using it at home—it’s one of Owen’s major issues when writing!

They had to do an acrostic poem:

Oreos are my favorite
West Virginia football team is not my fav
Eating chicken is my fav
New Years Eves is my fav
Hugs are my favorite
U_____ is cool (he doesn’t even know what this is)
Duny [Dunia] is my friend
Summer is fun
Olives are not my favorite
Nuts are yummy

From Owen’s schoolwork that got sent home last night…

I’ll include Translations/text where I think it’s necessary (after the picture so you can take your best guess first). 🙂


It cant be 4 becue [because] it is to smll it can’t be 400 because it is to big it has to be 40 becuse it is just riet.


There are 6 basketballs. There are 3 playground balls. How many balls are they in all?


I want to go to Furarse [France]. (And then he’s talking to the Frase [French] guy.])


I went trick-or-treating in Michigan i was harry poter my sis was rapunzul for Hallowen.


I am thankful for my mom and dad because they take care of me.


I am thankful for…my mom she is nice and my dad he is responsible for his work. School it is cool. Football is great.

Some art of the back of his schoolwork:


Learning capitalization (I love that they’re learning actual proof marks!):





hide somewhere in the farm. You should play a trick on the farmer. You should make a robot turkey. You should stay away from the farmer.


1. I maked a cake for somwones birday.
2. I jump so higi [high].
3. I am litte [little].
4. I am so funny.

He loved the birthday sleepover he went to:


I went to a sleepover it was so fun! I had a deleshos berekfest [delicious breakfast]. I had pancas wih wit crem and serep [pancakes with whipped cream and syrup].

He loved this birthday party, too!


I had a birday praty it was fun it was ethten and teegan and lemie’s [Liam’s] Birday. it had a Ball pip and a playhouse.

Traditions: This is us decorating the Christmas tree, complete with the reindeer on the top!



  1. First, you refrost [defrost] in the refuregeer [refrigerator] and rehetets [preheat? reheated?] the oven.
  2. Next, you shod reed the directions. and ingredients.
  3. Then, you shod cook the turkey
  4. Finally, you can eat the turkey!


His favorite thing? He likes to go shopping at Costco. “They have so much stuff.” Complete with the Halloween Cheetos display. (I’m guessing we had just been to Costco when this was assigned!)

First 1st grade P/T conference

On the way in, we stopped to see Owen’s Hero submission for Veteran’s Day in the main hallway:


Overall, Owen is doing great!

He’s ahead in reading—she said she’s had to keep moving him up levels! He’s currently on Level 8 (levels are much different than back in our day) and needs to be at Level 16 by the end of the year…which his teacher said she wasn’t worried about at all. 

He’s doing well in math—he got 13/14 on a recent makeup test from the week he missed (but she didn’t give him any instruction like the rest of the class had). And the question he got wrong he just didn’t pay close attention to the instructions because he was likely going too fast (it was 4 + 2 = ___ + 3 and he wrote 6).

He’s also doing well in social studies, science, and writing—and I got to quickly look at his journals. 

He uses his time well (an improvement from kindergarten) and behaves in class. 

His teacher said he had no major areas that needed improvement (yay!)—just basic (expected) things like using upper/lower case consistently and correctly, spacing between words when writing, etc…all stuff we know and are working on. 

And we got a list of questions we need to ask when he does his daily reading to help prepare him for the state testing at the end of the year (like Who was the main character? What happened first?) as well as more critical thinking like this:


Taking 1st grade math…to Facebook.

As briefly mentioned in the last post about Owen’s homework, Tom and I were both somewhat baffled by the supposed answers for his pattern homework.

I actually had to ask Tom about the first incorrect one because I read it (and answered it!) the same way Owen did! 🙂 But, the teacher was right—there should have been one number on each line (he did the same thing with the third line—put too many numbers on the lines, even though he had the right numbers!). But Tom and I still weren’t sure about the wrong triangle and why it should be a square. So I took the question to Facebook. My question was answered, but you can see the types of discussion it brought about. Egads. All this over first grade math homework. Can you imagine what it will be like going forward?!?!?

Here was the worksheet.


And here’s the Facebook discussion!


Owen’s first week of schoolwork!

I won’t be doing this every week, but there were a few good ones this past week (they got sent home today).

(Click to see a bigger version.)
2015-09-17traitsofagoodcitizenI had to get a few translations:

  1. HOME: My family picking trash with me.
  2. SCHOOL: My whole class is picking up trash. (Grades are the numbers above their heads. 1G is the 1st grade teacher.)
  3. NEIGHBORHOOD: I am lawnmowering my house. (My favorite one. Lawnmowering.)
  4. BUS: Everybody stays seated.



I actually had to ask Tom about the first one because I read it the same way Owen did! 🙂 But, the teacher was right—there should have been one number on each line. But Tom and I still aren’t sure about the wrong triangle and why it should be a square. He did the same thing with the third line that he did the first—put too many numbers on the lines (but he had the right numbers!).


He didn’t quite circle the correct words. When I asked him about it, he said he was circling friends. Earm? Koln? Then he said “Well the teacher marked it TERRIFIC!” And I said yes, but she probably just looked to see he had circled anything and didn’t look for the right words.




I didn’t notice until looking at this one a third time that he attempted to write his middle name on the Name line. 🙂




Kindergarten Artwork

I’ve been working on Owen’s kindergarten Shutterfly book and found these. I love them all.

Water sticks nuts squirrel day moon dad 

(This is Owen sitting on the couch in front of our TV playing xbox with daddy behind him.)

Tree flower house stairs house (not sure what done is—maybe down as in downstairs?)

Me and my mom play Robot Turtles. The flowers are blue purple yellow.

I am at the pool after dinner.

(More Xbox—that’s our entertainment center and the colored letters on the Xbox controller.)

If I had a tall black hat I would keep Legos in it.

Owen’s summer challenges: complete!

Owen just finished his “100 Books in 100 Days” and “200 Pages in 100 Days” Challenges!! 

2015-09-02 Summer Slide 100 Books Challenge Complete

2015-09-02 Summer Slide 200 pages complete

It wasn’t all easy—he fought the workbook pages a bit and got WEEKS behind but caught up at the end when he realized he might not get his surprise. 🙂 Also, to be honest, he really probably only read a total of 60-70 books, but a bunch of them were small chapter books (like 10 pages per chapter, three or four chapters per book) so he got multi-credits for those. And this was his reward!

Owen’s Summer Reading Challenge

The school wants to prevent “summer slide” with the kids (what happens when young minds sit idle for three months) so I decided to create a reading challenge for Owen. If he reads 100 books in 100 days (we’re starting before school ends to get a nice 100 days) he’ll get a reward. He suggested 150 books but we’ll start with 100 and maybe give him a bonus if he reads more!

I’m also considering a 1st Grade Prep Challenge which would include workbook pages from his old kindergarten books and his new first grade prep books. 

Super handwriting!

I have to say, overall, I’m impressed. I did help a bit with when to use lower case vs capitals and I helped sounding out words, but he did all the spelling. (Translation follows.)


They’re at the park playing baseball. Duck hits the ball up the tree. It’s stuck in the tree. They worked together to get the ball down. 

When it came back from the teacher, it said “Super handwriting!” ðŸ™‚

Owen’s butterfly 

Owen was so excited to show me his project from art class—I had to stop him from trying to unroll it as we walked home!

Do all moms love their kids’ artwork as much as I do? Or maybe I’m just super excited drew something not video game related. 🙂

Facebook friends saw something else. 

I see a ninja turtle.

If that’s not a ninja turtle fighting a giant spider, I’ll be really disappointed.

So I told Owen people thought it was a ninja turtle—thinking he’d be thrilled because he likes ninja turtles—and he said incredulously “It’s a butterfly!” 🙂