65 in 18 weeks!


Friends who are also doing Naturally Slim joke that it’s voodoo because it’s SO easy to lose… Where else can you eat what you want and lose weight? I even felt like I wasn’t doing too well this week…and I lost 3.2 pounds! And I never once felt deprived! And I ate homemade ice cream with Oreos, homemade mac and cheese (twice!), southern biscuits and gravy potato chips, honey BBQ meat sticks, apple pie… 

And I agree! It IS voodoo! And it’s amazing. I’d honestly be happy if I never lost another pound because I feel awesome and I think I look good (which rarely happens)..but I’m just over half done (my first goal is 100, but my real goal is 130). 

It’s so awesome to be able to go into a store, grab an XL (in a top or a bottom) and most likely have it fit! I’ve gone through my closet again with a harsher look and taken out probably another 1-2 garbage bags full. (It’s hard because some of the clothes still fit and I like them…but they’re really too big and don’t look nice.) One of my newest favorite shirts (bought the day I decided to start losing weight back in May) is SOOO comfy—but makes me look SOOO frumpy! In the pile it goes! I did keep a few bigger [long- and short-sleeved] tees to wear as PJ tops, but that’s about it. I can’t even fathom what size I will end up when I reach my goal?!

Showing off my new belt. 

Remember I needed a new belt? A friend recommended one and actually gifted it to me as a reward for my weight loss! We selected the XL (the biggest size) even though I didn’t think it would fit (my waist inches were the upper limit of the belt so I thought it’d be too tight). Turns out it’s perfect—and I could actually wear it 80s style. 🙂 I had Tom take a quick pic and I was surprised that I liked the first pic. I seem to like most pictures of me these days. 🙂


So this happened today. 

Two belts broke at the same spot. Obviously I haven’t worn these since the last time I was this weight…and they were already very worn. I guess I need to hit Kohls soon.

I didn’t throw them away, though—I trimmed the ends and will keep them for wear in about 20-30 more pounds. I rarely wear belts, even when thinner…so these are probably 10-12 years old (though only with maybe 2 years of wear). 

The great closet clean out, part 2.

Tonight I went through my fall/winter clothes.

Most of that stuff is too big, though admittedly there are a few things that I could still wear…but I’ve had them so long I just don’t like them anymore or I’ve never really liked them. I did keep a few big comfy shirts for PJs so I’ll just have to get some PJ pants (and I know Costco has some when I’m ready).

This was interesting, too. This dress/pantsuit/duster jacket outfit came out of the skinny box. I used to love it. So I tried it on. In the first photo, look how awesome (not) I look in a shapeless ill-fitting dress. But if you suddenly make it form-fitting…wow! Much better. But in the pile it goes since 1) I can’t sew and 2) even if I did sew (or had someone else sew), I really don’t have anyplace to wear it to make it worthwhile to get altered. 

The great closet clean out!

Tom and I have been sorting through all the clothes that no longer fit. This is my first bunch—I still have to go through the long-sleeved shirts, summer stuff I’m making last through the end of summer, and more jeans:

  • 18 shirts
  • 11 pair comfy pants
  • 10 dressier shirts
  • 3 dresses
  • 3 shorts/2 Capri/2 jeans/6 dress pants
  • 3 PJ sets
  • 1 swimsuit
  • 4 bras
  • 2 sweaters

I look forward to having fewer clothes in my closet, that’s for sure. (Honestly, it doesn’t look like I took anything out—it looks like a normal closet now. That’s what you get when you keep clothes in four sizes!)

I pulled out a fall jacket that I’ve only worn once and it’s been too tight for years—and now it’s too big (which I could say about a lot of my stuff).

I know it’s a great thing to be losing weight, but I’m having a hard time putting some of my favorite pieces in the donate pile. I keep wondering if maybe I shouldn’t try to get them altered so I can keep wearing them…but then I realize I will just buy cuter clothes that actually fit. But it’s still hard. 🙂
Every time I get dressed now I just shake my head in awe because I was literally thisclose to getting rid of all my clothes that were too small that I hadn’t worn in years and were just pissing me off seeing them there. And those are the clothes I’m wearing now!!

Me and Owen got treats!

To celebrate my weight loss, I went shopping. 🙂 I was hoping to find a pair or two of capris on sale that would last me the rest of this season (and most likely through the spring when I will hopefully need another new size—the way my body apparently fits into pants, I may be wearing these for 3-4 months (if I keep losing at the same rate)). This was me trying on new jeans—and kind of liking how they looked and feeling good! I sent the pic to Tom saying I wasn’t sure—they were a little tight but they were stretchy—and he said GET THEM. Smart man, I know! 🙂

And then we got Owen a future treat at the Lego store (we’re changing his chore chart reward system), and he was giddy about the Minecraft displays. 🙂


I DID IT! I lost 30# in 10 weeks on Naturally Slim (my goal was 25!)…and 50# overall in just 14 weeks! Hopefully I can lose the next 50 in another 14 weeks!

I debated posting my official “before and after” pics because they’re actually not all that impressive—plus me in yoga pants/tank tops isn’t very flattering!—but decided to go ahead because I’m still damn proud of myself!

I owe all this to Tivo friends Brad and Bryan who brought NatSlim to my attention, Tom for being amazingly supportive (he lost about 25!), and all my TCF friends for the daily online support!

And my Fitbit app congratulated me as well!

2015-08 Fitbit50loss

We dug out the “skinny clothes” bin!

Tom tried his stuff on last night and found a new wardrobe! I found a ton of stuff, too—some things that are already too big, quite a bit that fits now, and a smaller stack that will fit in another 10-15#. After that, I get to donate everything and buy a new wardrobe!

I haven’t worn these since maybe 2005. It’s fun shopping in your own stuff. 🙂

2015-08-10 09.48.21

My total loss as of yesterday was 43.4# — still 56.6# away from my first goal, but almost halfway there in just 12 weeks!

Six weeks in, 27 pounds down!


Remember when I said I knew I wouldn’t be doing low-carb forever because it’s just not sustainable? Well, Tom and I are now working on a new lifestyle change…and have both been quite successful. And the best thing is that it’s completely sustainable: 80% of people keep the weight off after a year!

It’s a program that I’d never heard of but that a Tivo friend had done VERY successfully—and a bunch of other Tivo friends were interested in it and all decided to do it—so we jumped in, too! It’s called Naturally Slim and it’s a different way to lose weight that you just can’t believe until you try it.

From their website:

There are no foods to buy, no points to count, no guidelines on what you can and can’t eat. Sound too good to be true? The secret to Naturally Slim is really simple common sense, and the method for success simply involves learning some new techniques about how and when you should eat. That’s it. No gimmicks, no fads, no crashing, flushing, suffering, sacrificing, and no long-term commitments.

In the just-less-than two weeks that we’ve been doing it, I’ve lost 8# and have not felt deprived at all. I am eating SO much less food now, it’s unbelievable—but the most unbelievable part is that I’m eating WHATEVER I want. Pizza? Yes. Garlic bread? Yes. Pasta? Yes. Bacon cheeseburgers? Yes. Guacamole? Yes. Bruschetta? Yes. The only thing that we are really cutting out right now (for the first three weeks of the 10-week program) is sugar (and wine for me)—so no ice cream, cookies, cake, regular pop, etc.—but that’s not a big deal for us since we rarely have that stuff anyway. We can add it back in weeks 4-10 (and beyond) as long as we do it the right way.

But I digress.

I’m not going to go into all of the details, but suffice it to say that once you learn how to listen to your body and eat the right way—following the principles you learn in the program—you may find that you only eat one or two meals a day (and smaller meals at that). It takes time and dedication to learn the principles and it’s not an overnight thing…but it does work.

For example, neither Tom nor I eat breakfast anymore. (Forget what you’ve always heard about needing to eat breakfast. Really.) So Tuesday I had eaten lunch with the kids around 12:30 (and I honestly shouldn’t have eaten then because I wasn’t truly hungry) and I wasn’t hungry at dinnertime, so I skipped dinner. I wasn’t hungry before bed, I wasn’t hungry when I woke up Wednesday, I wasn’t hungry at my usual lunch time, and I honestly wasn’t hungry when I finished making dinner at 6, but I ate a small portion anyway because it had been 30 HOURS since I’d eaten anything and it just seemed…wrong. But according to the principles, I should have waited. When was the last time—aside from being sick—that you didn’t feel hungry for THIRTY HOURS?! It’s both exciting and bizarre at the same time.

Now, I know you are skeptical, but I am not lying and saying I’m not hungry. I’m not starving myself. I’m LITERALLY not hungry. I definitely eat when I am hungry—and I will never starve myself (that’s why I liked low-carb—I could always eat something filling and never felt HUNGRY).

So, just be prepared if we ever have to eat with you—we may not actually eat. 🙂 Well, we will eat, but we might not eat when you do. That’s honestly the part that stinks and is hard to get used to—since you ONLY eat when you’re hungry, we often miss eating with the kids (we sit with them but we might not eat) and sometimes we don’t even eat together. There are ways to hold off on eating (say, if I’m ready to eat at 4pm but we’re not eating until 6pm) but you never eat early to keep on a schedule.

Granted, we are only on week 2 so we’re still leaning the ins and outs of what our bodies want and things could still change, but we have generally figured out our schedules. (Well, I thought I had my schedule figured out—lunch between 12:30-1:30 and dinner between 6:00-7:00—until that 30-hour span of not being hungry. Now I’m trying to work it out again. It feels like I’m headed toward being a one-time-a-day eater which isn’t common but not unheard of.)

So, things are interesting around here. But the weight—and inches!—are coming off so we’re both happy! I’ve added a tracker with my ultimate goal over in the right column under the kids’ age trackers—I’m over a quarter of my way to my goal in just six weeks!! Go me!

There’s nothing like trying on clothes…

So, three weeks ago I went to Kohls and thought “Let me look for a new bathing suit.” Ha. HAHA. There’s nothing like trying on clothes—especially bathing suits—to really hit home a weight gain.

My body is weird. I really don’t feel like I ever change my exercise habits or my eating habits but my weight will fluctuate anywhere from 10-30 pounds in a year. I’ll be a consistent amount for eight months and then I’ll gain 10 pounds and stay at that weight for a year… But obviously something has happened lately because I’m outside my normal fluctuation.

So I decided it was time. Right there in the dressing room.

Low-carb is easiest for me since I’ve done it before and I am really hoping/planning on doing it just for the initial weight drop and then continuing with something more sensible. But damn. Our pantry is filled with carbs. And I hate making dinner anyway since the kids are rarely fans of anything…so the first weeks of low-carb are super painful for that reason alone. The actual not eating isn’t that bad…

The first day wasn’t even done and I already missed alcohol. Not that I drink a lot, but maybe 2-3 nights a week I’ll have a drink.

After the first day, it was apparent I didn’t remember quite as much about low-carb eating as I thought I did. I looked at my daily totals and holy wah. Yes, I know I ate too many carbs because I was still getting into the plan (after all, I had just decided with no advance planning so we weren’t correctly stocked for low-carb) but a banana? 31 carbs. An onion (to go with the steak)? 8 carbs! That’s about two day’s worth of carbs right there! Then add in the 1 piece of pizza I had for lunch (25), the Mike’s Hard Lemonade I succumbed to (33), and the 1/4 cup quinoa and rice I knew was bad (27)…and that’s about my carbs for the week.

Soooooo…for the first few days, I decided I was concentrating on just lowering my overall food intake (which I did considerably—I caught myself gazing in the pantry about three times and walked away) and watching carbs. And that went well.

As I said, I know going into this that it isn’t sustainable long term (considering I’ve regained the 60# I lost before—though it did take 10 years and two pregnancies!) but I think the big initial weight loss that always happens with low-carb will be enough to kickstart me into a healthier future.

I think snacking/grazing is one of my biggest problems. I’ve found myself just wanting to eat something…anything…even though I’m not hungry. Portion control is another big problem. What I’ve realized after the past three weeks of pretty strict low-carb eating is how much I was actually eating before…and how little I actually need. Yesterday I ate about 900 calories and 30 carbs and at no time was I really hungry. (I usually eat more calories than that, but I was testing how very little I could eat while not being HUNGRY.) I tend to eat small bits all day long…only eating when I’m actually hungry. And at meals, I rarely take seconds and try to take smaller portions overall.

So, at one week, I was down 7#. I knew it was just first week success and wouldn’t continue (and I fluctuated lower than that during the week) but as I said, the mental reward is BIG. And the jeans that were too tight last week fit this week.

At two weeks, I was down 14.5#. YAY! A HUGE mental boost. And I even drank wine! So I think the biggest part was just not eating AS MUCH.

Then throughout the next week there was a lot of fluctuation and I gained some back (I know I should only weigh once a week but I weigh mid-week to keep myself on track). There was some not-good eating a time or two, but nothing crazy.

So this morning has been three weeks, and I’m down 15#. A bit of a disappointment considering I was at 14.5 last week, but overall it’s still a big per-week loss, so I am happy!

I’m thinking after I’ve kickstarted my weight loss for a month or so (so another few weeks?), I’ll transition to a more moderate plan (much less food overall, more fruit and veggies, etc.) because eating regular foods with the family is so much easier.

Wish me luck!