65 in 18 weeks!


Friends who are also doing Naturally Slim joke that it’s voodoo because it’s SO easy to lose… Where else can you eat what you want and lose weight? I even felt like I wasn’t doing too well this week…and I lost 3.2 pounds! And I never once felt deprived! And I ate homemade ice cream with Oreos, homemade mac and cheese (twice!), southern biscuits and gravy potato chips, honey BBQ meat sticks, apple pie… 

And I agree! It IS voodoo! And it’s amazing. I’d honestly be happy if I never lost another pound because I feel awesome and I think I look good (which rarely happens)..but I’m just over half done (my first goal is 100, but my real goal is 130). 

It’s so awesome to be able to go into a store, grab an XL (in a top or a bottom) and most likely have it fit! I’ve gone through my closet again with a harsher look and taken out probably another 1-2 garbage bags full. (It’s hard because some of the clothes still fit and I like them…but they’re really too big and don’t look nice.) One of my newest favorite shirts (bought the day I decided to start losing weight back in May) is SOOO comfy—but makes me look SOOO frumpy! In the pile it goes! I did keep a few bigger [long- and short-sleeved] tees to wear as PJ tops, but that’s about it. I can’t even fathom what size I will end up when I reach my goal?!

One Reply to “65 in 18 weeks!”

  1. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I love the side view picture! That is so exciting! Can you believe it? I am just so damn proud of you! What an example for Owen and Katie. And Owen looks so good too! He is slimmer, and enjoying being thinner–wearing jeans, etc. Keep up the fantastic work! You can’t believe how much you are helping your health. Good going!

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