So this happened.

After way too much 10yo drama of course.

She was supposed to get her room picked up on her own before she went to grandparent camp—and if she didn’t, I was going to go in and clean everything out. Everything. She barely managed to do enough to pass muster.

Upon her return, she had to redo everything (she had just shoved everything everywhere). And there was D-RA-M-A because she (of course) didn’t want to do it but she didn’t have a choice as she didn’t want to lose all her things.

If she would just WORK CONSISTENTLY it would get done. But she stops to paint her nails and play with her dolls and everything else under the sun. I eventually went in to help her because I was at my limit…and because she was getting a new queen bed.

We had told her she could get one when her room was clean but of course it has been more than 6 months and she couldn’t do it. So we weren’t planning on doing this AT ALL…but Anna and David were getting rid of their guestroom bed and frame so it was now or never.

You’d think KNOWING a new bed and frame was coming would kick get into gear but no. Still drama and avoiding working on it. So that’s where I stepped in. We took EVERYTHING out of her room. Got huge storage boxes and I just literally pulled crap out of cubby holes and off shelves and dumped it in. There were dirty dishes, plates of food, bottles full of liquid concoctions, mounds of dirty clothes, and my god the garbage. Paper, tissues, empty boxes, empty candy wrappers and snack wrappers galore, clumps of hair, broken crayons and pencils, markers with no tops, and on and on. We took out a full garbage bag and a huge box of recycling.

Then she vacuumed and I steam cleaned the carpet (which has been destroyed—it’s covered in colors and stains and who knows what that she has NOOOOOOOO idea how it happened). Then the frame and mattress.

Now the long slog of bringing everything back in her room (and emptying out the guest room of ALLLLL her junk…while trying to get her to get rid of stuff…and keep her room picked up).

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