Wow, that was a doozy of a storm last night!

And Tom slept through it all thanks to two Tylenol PMs!

Katie was having a sleepover so her and her friend came bursting into our room at 1:45am just when the power went out (the first time). Katie was REALLY freaked out but her friend was so sweet trying to comfort her. Owen had been sleeping out in the gazebo but came inside at some point. (He later said he was getting rained on—but it was just rain coming in through the open vent of the gazebo.)

Both of our computer battery backups were beeping and I couldn’t turn them off (I could barely manage to reach one and unplugging it did nothing). So then I was wide awake…so read for an hour—and the power came back on about 3 and then it started storming again…and the power went out again and is still out. I’m exhausted.

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