I’m giving myself 19 months.

Okay, friends. Be gentle with me. 🥰

This is completely embarrassing to post because it shows my failure. And the before pictures are awful. 🤮 But I’m hoping that my journey might help inspire some of you here as well so…

I was soooo proud of myself back in 2015-2016 when I lost 141#! I was on top of the world! 🌎

I was finally thin for the first time in my life. I swore I would keep the weight off because it had been technically easy to lose and the process was easy enough to maintain.

Until it wasn’t.

A few pounds here, a few pounds there. It’s okay, I told myself, I’ve still lost 130#! Then 120. Then 100# is still amazing! 🤦🏻‍♀️ The saying is true—you can’t gain 20 if you don’t gain 10.

But it continued. A PCS (military move), no friends, a new lifestyle, excuses, no exercise (I missed my most awesome walking trail through the woods). But I was still able to wear the clothes I had (I had kept a single size above my lowest weight).

But then we had friends! YAY FRIENDS! And we were always having dinners and parties and cookouts and drinking and all the things.

🦠And then COVID. And we drank even more than we used to. And didn’t exercise. And ate even more. I tried halfheartedly a few times and would lose 10-15 but would then immediately gain it back.

But about a week ago I decided it was time to get serious. My acid reflux is back with a vengeance (I totally forgot I used to have that), I’ve had to obviously buy fat clothes again, I’m winded by the easiest things, I have arthritis in my knee, and my skin feels tight all over because too much fat is stuffed in there. 🐖

I think my body knew I needed a serious reset as I got struck with a stomach bug that kind of jump started my new (old) lifestyle. I haven’t really been hungry in a week so I’m enjoying it while it lasts. And I’ve started walking again (which I posted in here the other day). 🚶🏻‍♀️

🎯My goal is to lose EVERYTHING again by the time I’m 50… which gives me 19 months. And I’m posting publicly so I will have major accountability. And to ask y’all for support, whether it’s via your thoughts, your keyboard, or in person. This is much harder this time around but I know I can do it. I HAVE TO DO IT.


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