So this is happening again.

Yes, this is the same spot it leaked from before. And we tore apart our shower and fixed things. And tested it for a month after with no leaks. And now suddenly this?! UGHHHHH. This means there’s a new problem.

Tom said the area where the water was pooling and dripping was fixed. And we did fix the cracked tiles we found that we thought we the only problem.

But! He’s pretty sure ALL of the grout is bad…so there are tons of tiny holes all over that are allowing the water to soak through. Yesterday was just the breaking point of the pooling water.

I don’t even want to think about this. They don’t make the tile anymore. We will have to likely redo the whole thing. Then do we redo all the tile (tub, floor?)? How do we make it look decent if we just do the shower? And of course we have zero money now. But we have to fix the shower.

And apparently all the houses from this era are having the same issue. At least three of our friends in this neighborhood are having the same issue and are redoing their bathrooms.

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