Finding furniture we want is a bitch.

So the hardest part of this living room redesign is finding the last piece of furniture. We have specific designer-mandated rules to follow on what can fit in the space…plus we know what we want…and it’s impossible.

Oh! The other problem is…due to Covid, the wait times on ordering furniture can be up to eight months. So we were also looking for something that was in stock.

I really really loved our sectional because it gave me a super comfy corner piece where I always sat. With the new furniture, I don’t have that anymore. The room looks big enough to get what we want, but in reality, we do not have that much space.

We found the exact thing that I wanted—called a Cuddler Couch—but it was waaaaaay too big for the remaining space.

So we kept looking, hoping to find that same thing but in a smaller form factor. It didn’t exist.

We ended up looking at chair and a halfs (they had more of the cushy feel I wanted but only gave us one more seat) or loveseats (which gave us seating for potentially 2-3, but didn’t have the same cushy feel I wanted) and were excited to find this:

It had the cushy feel, could easily fit three, was in stock, fit all the design parameters…but we measured it and it was too long. I just couldn’t believe it so we actually taped out the floor at home.

And I just about cried because it didn’t fit. We even tried switching places with the other couch and that was actually worse.

So the hunt continues…

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