We made the hard decision to put our second cat, Bella, down today. After almost 18 years, to have both of them go within a few months is excruciating. But it’s time. Even though she’s totally changed personality and has gone from a cat that hides and hates people to a cat that doesn’t mind being carried around by kids and jumps up for snuggles…she really isn’t herself. Plus she’s having bodily function issues that would likely require lots of testing and maybe not even have a solution. I can’t do that to her. Or us.

I will probably second guess myself for awhile but deep down I know it’s time. And maybe her sister, Charlie, will welcome her with a sniff and a nuzzle and they’ll tell great stores about the family that loved them for almost two decades.

It’s so sad to take pics of the final moments but since the kids couldn’t be there…I do.

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