We’ve reached peak adulthood!

You know you’ve reached peak adulthood when you get excited about three new Toto toilets.

After renting for so long and having to deal with (forgive the pun) lots of crappy toilets, really good toilets were on my list!! And, frankly, I’m tired of all the plunging and these are supposed to be the best!

Of course the first toilet went in super easy—isn’t that always the way? Lulling you into a false sense of security. Tom raved about how easy it was. The next two weren’t horrible but they each had minor issues—including one seat that was missing parts so we are without a toilet in the master bath until the replacement comes in Monday (local stores don’t carry this brand and it would take Lowe’s another 7-9 days to send the replacement).

Now to see if they live up to their expectations!