So this is what happens when I try to go to bed early like a normal person.

10:30 Lights out, phone off.

10:40 Maggie leaves room obnoxiously loud.

10:45 Maggie continues to be loud in the hallway so I get up to check on her in case she’s stuck in her sweater. Can’t see her.

10:50 Back in bed, I notice Tom’s CPAP is making horrible sounds and debate waking him up.

10:55 Maggie is scratching obnoxiously somewhere and…banging against a door?! I get up and find her and take her sweater off just in case.

11:00 Back in bed once again, I hear strange thumps downstairs.

11:05 I hear more strange noises. I try to ignore them.

11:10 I hear more strange noises so get up. Maggie wants to go outside.

11:15 Bella starts meowing for food because I’m standing in the kitchen.

11:20 I feed Bella and Maggie.

11:25 I finally get back into bed

11:30 I’m wide awake but tired because I took melatonin an hour ago…

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