I have a headache and it’s eight years old.

OMG. So here’s a conversation with Katie just now as we are going over homework. After she’s been “working” on it for an hour (with me jumping in now and again to prod her to get back to work). And after we’ve already had drama about math. So I was already about at my limit with her attitude.

Katie: Has it been two weeks?

Me: Two weeks for what?

Katie: Has it been two weeks?

Me: Two weeks for what?

Katie, rolling her eyes and getting pissy: HAS IT BEEN TWO WEEKS?!

Me: Katie, we’ve talked about this. You aren’t being clear and I need more information so just repeating yourself more loudly doesn’t help.


Me, losing my shit: Yes it’s been two weeks since two weeks ago. But it’s been two months since two months ago. What are you referring to?

Katie: When we get our devices back.

Me: Why didn’t you just say that? I’m not in your head. No, you’re nowhere close.

Katie: Yes it’s been two weeks.

Me: No it hasn’t.

Katie: YES IT HAS!

Me: No it’s not. YOU wrote the date on the board. GO LOOK. Owen has two weeks. You actually have three weeks. Two weeks is the 21st. You are the 28th. Today is the 15th. It hasn’t been two weeks.

Katie, rolling her eyes and snotty: UGH. SORRRR-EEE.

I can’t even.