Owen’s first pulled tooth!

His orthodontist recommended getting two teeth pulled so after a few delays here we are. He was nervous but handled it like a champ. This was about 15 minutes in while he was numb before they actually started—he just wanted to come out and say hi.

Unfortunately, one of the teeth gave her some problems and she couldn’t remove it so she referred us to an oral surgeon. She seems to think maybe the roots of the baby tooth are wrapped around the adult tooth. Yikes.

Owen was not thrilled with that prospect so we’re trying to talk up how cool it is to be knocked out and we think he’s okay now. Thankfully we are getting in next week so he doesn’t have much time to think about it.

One Reply to “Owen’s first pulled tooth!”

  1. OMG. O. M. G. I would not have been able to be there with him. Brings back memories of when you had to have five teeth pulled. Horror of all horrors. I had to have a tooth pulled a year or so ago and I was a basket case. Poor Owee.

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