Well, we are done with scouts.

After a few weeks of randomly talking with Owen, he finally decided that it’s not really for him.

If I’m being honest, I might have been secretly leading him into the decision because we’ve watched him for the past few months and he just doesn’t care about doing any of it when he’s not actively at a meeting. It’s frustrating because he seems to be excited about it all during a meeting or at an event but then as soon as the meeting is done, he doesn’t think about it until the next meeting.

I feel kinda guilty because I really did want him to love it and I wanted him to have something to do besides baseball, but we don’t have the time or inkling to really get on him or make it a big deal. He hasn’t finished a single badge since distancing started while his friends have worked through a bunch of them. Also, this wasn’t really the optimal time to start scouts since scouts is really hands on and you can’t do much when you’re social distancing. If you’re not self-motivated it’s much harder. And Owen really isn’t one to self-motivate.

So, it was about a $250 experience.

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