This is what I did all day!

I decided this past Sunday afternoon to run a huge new party for my business.

It’s a specific party that someone came up with and has tested the format many times over—to help get new business—so I’ve had to bust my butt to get new people in to my group and then try to get them active and keep them.

Honestly I was in a bad spot mentally since this is the first month in maybe EVER that I literally have zero sales as of the 15th. Zero. Not one. Nothing. Even after my $6000 sale month last year I made sales the next month. And my seneversary month was good…. so who knows what’s going on. And I hoped this party would pull it out for me. So I was following every. single. step. And today’s work was creating a collage of suggested products for each person that joined or posted a selfie. Here are some of the ones I did!

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