We tried the totwaffle!

It all started with this viral Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/506801921/posts/10156771865371922/?d=n which starts like this:

So we decided it had to be done.

Step 1: Thawing

And Tom was in charge and I was busy working so I didn’t get any more pictures until the end.

Aaaand…it took much longer to cook than we thought, plus Tom didn’t fill it full enough to start so had to add some more tots halfway through. This pic is after we took some off for the kids.

We also made the syrup/ketchup mix (read the linked post for details) and it was yummy. The tots were crispy but I’d like them even crispier.

In short, they were good and a nice change…and the candied bacon and cheesy scrambled eggs were good sides…but I probably wouldn’t do the totwaffle again. I’m perfectly happy to expend way less energy and effort and just have tots.

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