Poor Charlie had to go to the vet.

Over the weekend we noticed she started peeing randomly or couldn’t hold it plus it looked to have blood in it. Of course it was just late enough that the regular vet was closed for the weekend… We googled and it sounded like a UTI (not enough of an emergency to take her to the emergency vet) so we bought pee pads and covered all the furniture and crossed our fingers. (She’s the one with kidney issues plus she’s 16 so I’m always afraid every little thing is going to be THE thing that needs the big decision. Of course it could turn out to be the simple thing but it’s all I can think about.)

We watched her like a hawk all weekend. Also? Turns out the kid pee pads we had aren’t cat proof. Or are for minor accidents. Which means we washed couch cushions and cat beds and lots of towels and had to make a trip to buy real pee pads.

I took her in this morning and…today isn’t THE day but she’s getting bloodwork and coming home with antibiotics and pain meds. The doc said this is really just likely a minor issue. She said she knows what I’m thinking and that she would definitely tell me if she thought it was time. And she made sure to tell me NOT YET. And to watch the pain.

The doc says it’s hard to tell with a cat with renal issues if it’s a UTI. It could be a tumor or who knows what. Plus her bladder is hard (or something?) which could be the result of a lingering infection which only recently showed up with the new symptoms.

And the pain drugs made her really woozy and she couldn’t walk and even fell off the couch while trying to get down (I didn’t realize how woozy she really was so I feel horrible) then she fell over while trying to drink. If the vet hadn’t warned me I’d think she was at deaths door…but it’s still hard to watch.

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