I’m claiming a parenting win.

Typical dinner scene: Katie automatically says she doesn’t like what we’re having and we tell her she needs to at least try it…then usually she doesn’t like it and we have a talk about how you don’t need to love everything but if it’s okay you can still eat it. She hates that and argues and whines and refuses to eat whatever.

Fast forward to last night. Owen was eating lime corn chips. She whines that she doesn’t like them. A few minutes later she’s eating them and Tom and I say “But you don’t like them!” And she matter-of-factly says (in her sassy DUH MOM tone) “But I can still eat things I don’t love!”

HAHA!!! I gleefully told her that’s exactly what we’ve been saying and now that she agrees with us, we expect no more complaining about food she says she doesn’t love. It took a minute but the look on her face when she realized…

I know the likelihood of that actually happening is low, but I’m still claiming a parenting win.

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