Hair washing day!

This morning was hair washing day. If you’re like me, it’s something you plan for. My hair is wavy but I like to wear it straight so I need to take things into consideration like the time it takes to air dry or if I have the energy to use a round brush and a hair dryer for 30 minutes.

Straightening my hair is a long process during which my arms get tired and I sweat (ha, my phone corrected that to swear and that’s sometimes true, too) and even then it’s hard to get the back or the roots straight. I would need a second set of arms plus at least another 15 minutes to really get it right. It’s exhausting.

But this morning? This morning was a delight. Today I tried the Dyson Airwrap and HOLY FORKING SHIRTBALLS it is a life changer!!

I let my hair air-dry for an hour then used the dryer attachment for like two minutes and then the hard brush attachment for less than 15 minutes. Straight hair, straight roots, no sweating, no sore arms. Sigh. 🥰

Tomorrow I throw away all my old styling implements and round brushes. Yippee!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

P.S. If you Google the Dyson Airwrap, prepare for a minor heart attack. I had a good friend let me use her company discount so I got it a bit cheaper.

P.P.S. I’m in Mojave. Big surprise. 😂

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