My ME weekend while my family was off camping.

So we’re all friends here. Which means I can safely admit that while we love our family with every ounce of our soul, we all wish for a break now and again, right? Since we don’t have family close by, we rarely get those breaks (other than a date night) so when I lucked into one this past weekend while my husband took both kids on a boy scout camping weekend…I took advantage.

So what did my weekend look like?

  • Friday night? Chatting, eating, and drinking margaritas with a new friend Jessica for five hours (we hadn’t realized how late it was because we literally did not stop talking the entire time).
  • Saturday morning? Donuts, crafty Cricut tee-shirt projects, and SeneGence facials with Ellyn. She has the machine and she helped me do a test run of simple text shirts before attempting six matching cruise shirts with a more difficult pattern.

  • Saturday afternoon? Nachos and a margarita on the couch while watching A Star is Born (which I TOTALLY loved and am strongly considering buying the soundtrack). Then binging every YouTube video performance I could find of Shallows by Lady Gaga and Bradly Cooper.
  • Saturday night? Margaritas with Anna and David.
  • Sunday morning? Sleeping in in perfect silence until 8:47!

Was I glad to have them home? Well, I enjoyed seeing their faces, but I missed the silence and clean house immediately. 😂

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