Blackberry v2019

Which year wore it better? 😂

I thought I looked GREAT that day in 2017, wearing crazy Blackberry LipSense. But looking back, I definitely needed more makeup to complete the look. But I wasn’t wearing ANY eye makeup (I never wore eye makeup), my brows weren’t done (and they were also way overplucked), and my skin looked so pale (but even back then I still wore Medium CCTM).

So I wanted a redo on Blackberry today (because Halloween) and I decided to top it with Clover Gloss because I hadn’t used Clover in a long time. Holy crap y’all. It was legit green when I put it on. It calmed down a little bit but this is so much fun.

When it was time to re-gloss I figured why not do another fun color? This time I pulled out the Blue Orchid Gloss! 💙

I’m honestly not sure which one I like better.

So this may sound silly but for someone who was never taught how to wear makeup, seeing a difference in my application results is a big deal.

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