I’m sold on these Tori Belle magnetic lashes!!

Yeah. I’m sold on these Tori Belle magnetic lashes!! I hate liquid eyeliner (but I hate glue waaay more) and I do need to work on the finer points of application…but overall it was super easy. And I might need the other less dramatic styles because these are a little much for Saturday morning baseball.

After a few hours at baseball and back at home, one lash felt like it was starting to come off and Katie even told me it was coming off. So I pulled it off without looking at it too closely. Once I got up off the couch (Maggie was sleeping on me) I checked it out and reapplied for date night.

Redone…with more eye makeup…and I just love how they look.

So after I put them on a second time they felt even better. But about five hours in, I could just somehow feel like they were loose or something, so I touched them to see… And could tell they were pretty much off. It was weird. But really I’m happy with 5ish hours of wear for my first attempt.

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